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39 Warrior Twink Spec question

PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 6:58 pm
by Milktoast
I've read that 2H fury with a Pendulum of Doom is better than arms at 39. I was wondering why this was the case? Wouldn't getting the extra crit in the arms tree and the ability to stance dance be better?

Here are the two builds I'm considering:

2H Fury:

2H Arms:

Thanks for any help / info

Re: 39 Warrior Twink Spec question

PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 3:50 pm
by LutzW
Hey there, I'm in the same boat as you, but I've been looking at a hybrid spec instead, 11/19.

I don't know if I'd want to miss out on Howl and Enrage by going straight Arms. Nor do I know how important stance dancing is at 39, but I'd assume it is. I guess it depends on who you'd be running with? I feel like a full 30 into Fury is more a glass cannon spec, whereas 11/19 allows you to retain Howl and Enrage while giving you access to Tactical Mastery for things like disarm, etc. But I don't know, this is all theorycraft.

Re: 39 Warrior Twink Spec question

PostPosted: Tue Jan 19, 2016 4:13 pm
by DanielGames
I like LutzW's idea of splitting points between specs. Here's what I would use:

4/5 tactical mastery is really nice to have so feel free to take points out of intercept for that if you want. I just figured if you're that close to deathwish you may as well take it so you can burn down those nasty tanky flag carriers. Intercept would be good to have on a shorter cd because the classes that'll give you the most trouble are the ones that can kite you really good.

I was full arms in that bracket and found that the most beneficial thing from the arms tree was 5/5 tactical mastery and imp. hamstring procs. A hunter or caster that got rooted were usually as good as dead.

Re: 39 Warrior Twink Spec question

PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 2:10 am
by LutzW
I like 7/23 as well, I think that's the build I'd like to try. At least this way you can still use Bloodrage with 2/5 tactical mastery if you need to get a disarm off. Guess I'd just have to see how often I'm waiting for intercept to come off cooldown to determine which way I'd want to go.