Maximizing Raid Dps Question

Maximizing Raid Dps Question

by Beef » Wed Jan 06, 2016 6:08 am

Is it really worth it to use Recklessness in execute phase?

Popping Bloodrage, Rage pot and the first Execute crit = ~5kish?? then ~1kish every execute after words.

Reklessness without execute MH/OH crits 100% flurry uptime once threat is established to get a high DPS at the start of fight letting the DPS decrease until execute phase where it rises again.

I highly doubt im running a perfect rotation but im still locked at 600-700dps for ebonroc, not 100% BiS yet but I have pretty good gear.

How are these warriors Reaching 1k+ on bosses?

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Re: Maximizing Raid Dps Question

by Armilus » Wed Jan 06, 2016 8:30 pm

The shorter the fight, the easier it is to get big numbers. If the fight is only 30s long you can pop death wish and recklessness right away and have them up for most of the fight. If half your raid is slacking, fights will be longer and it's hard to get massive DPS averages.

If you are going for absolute max damage there are also a ton of world buffs and harder to obtain consumables that you can stack on.

If your guild is very good about debuff management you can also really optimize DPS by making sure that only the best debuffs are up. Armor reduction effects are a huge increase for melee and many of them stack. Sunder armor, Faerie Fire, Curse of Recklessness, weapon procs, Crystal yield (not sure if this one stacks with the rest).

If a guild decides to stack debuffs for max melee DPS, you can get much bigger numbers than if you aim for optimal overall raid DPS.

I don't know how many of the above are being used by top DPS warriors on realm players and there are certainly other less-common buffs/consumables.

At that level of DPS tank threat is a really big part of getting consistently high DPS. Your tank needs to have both gear and a spec based on maximum threat.

So... I guess the short answer is, it's a group effort. You need the entire raid going for max DPS really.
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Re: Maximizing Raid Dps Question

by slipry » Thu Jan 07, 2016 4:04 am

most people will recklessness @ like 22% with their last bloodthirst before execute then execute, rage pot execute, execute, bloodrage execute

and yea its way better to reck during executes than anywhere else
flurry is a nonissue with ~50 crit worldbuffed
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Re: Maximizing Raid Dps Question

by Beef » Sat Jan 09, 2016 8:21 pm

Right now my main issue is unit cohesiveness. Boss times are dropping each raid we do. Predicting when to use abilities (popping early for the possible double deathwish or wait for the guaranteed) has been tough.

Buffs, enchants and gear are all pretty straight forward for anyone who wants to be topping meters.

I will be sitting down with the Warlock and Druid cl's to make a point for CoR and FF uptime on melee heavy fights.

Has anyone confirmed that the Crystal charge stacks with the above debuffs?

50% crit? Wouldn't you most likely be bleeding ~14% crit over average cap for a loss of attack power and other stats?

Would love to hear from some warriors pulling 400dps+ overall in BWL.

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Re: Maximizing Raid Dps Question

by slipry » Sun Jan 10, 2016 11:31 am

Beef wrote:Right now my main issue is unit cohesiveness. Boss times are dropping each raid we do. Predicting when to use abilities (popping early for the possible double deathwish or wait for the guaranteed) has been tough.
50% crit? Wouldn't you most likely be bleeding ~14% crit over average cap for a loss of attack power and other stats?

Would love to hear from some warriors pulling 400dps+ overall in BWL.

if ur potentially double deathwishing on a boss you won't have good parses period your raid is just too slow
having 5s left on deathwish when boss dies is much worse than it running out 5s before boss dies btw

idk what ur talkuing about 14% crit over "cap" but hs cant glance so there is no "crit cap" if ur fully worldbuffed+consumes with even semi-decent gear u will have 45% crit easily

btw ... &realm=NRB
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Re: Maximizing Raid Dps Question

by Heldunder » Sun Jan 10, 2016 8:31 pm

similar concern here... i do very well with tanking, BUT i can never seem to do even moderate DPS, any one have a quick rotation flow chart i should be following?
Last edited by Heldunder on Sun Jan 10, 2016 11:06 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Maximizing Raid Dps Question

by vido » Sun Jan 10, 2016 10:26 pm

Heroic Strike can't glance, so there's effectively no crit cap?

I'm afraid you're mistaken, have a look at my updated version of the spreadsheet in the stickied thread to see why.
Sergeant Major
Sergeant Major

Re: Maximizing Raid Dps Question

by slipry » Mon Jan 11, 2016 5:06 pm

ur right ill stop using mongoose

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Re: Maximizing Raid Dps Question

by Juddy » Wed Jan 13, 2016 2:12 pm

vido wrote:Heroic Strike can't glance, so there's effectively no crit cap?

I'm afraid you're mistaken, have a look at my updated version of the spreadsheet in the stickied thread to see why.

Just going to assume you're Vdo

376.0 Vdo
746.5 Slipry

Might want to put down your calculator and practice using a keyboard and mouse a little.

Re: Maximizing Raid Dps Question

by Aslan » Wed Jan 13, 2016 2:25 pm

Cant imagine you reach the crit cap for (yellow attacks) HS (which should be on a 2 roll system anyway, unlike white hits) tldr; Warris white damage isnt a that overwhelming slice of their total dmg output which leads to the crit cap (for white hits) being "less" important than for exemple to rogues.

@Juddy: Comparing fights that are 4 times longer to yours? :) Also gear differences.. But You knew that anyway. Yummy profile pic btw.

@Heldunder: Werent you fully prot specced? Assuming you do some off-dps when you arent needed as tank, either Nightfall, or did you try to switch a shield into your rotation for shield slam and then swap it back out.
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