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tanking question

PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 6:36 am
by mean_steve
since its my first time ever in WOW i have some basic questions for tanking (i read the stickies and collecting my BiS tanking Gear).

Right now im Lvl 58 (speced in arms for leveling and at 60 i wanna respec in full protection)

My question is do i need some special fire resistance gear for lets say BRD ?
or can i tank all this instances (BRD, Scholo,...) with the BiS gear listed in the stickies?

and whats you recommendation to get experience in tanking ... just find a group and MT the instances or should i just make OT first? (the problem is i dont know the instances :D)

thanks guys

Re: tanking question

PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 11:08 am
by chunass
You won't need fire res gear until you're tanking MC and Onyxia.

Starting off in regular 5-man instances, you will be the only tank as there isn't space for an offtank in such a small group. The first instance where people generally bring more than one tank is UBRS since that's 10-man. If you don't feel confident about starting to tank in your leveling gear, you could spec fury to dps instead and ask to roll on tank gear before going prot.

Also, until you've acquired decent tank gear from other dungeons, don't attempt tanking dungeons such as DM North, Strat Live or maintanking UBRS as you will get shrekt even with good healers. BRD is a good place to start off as that dungeon is doable before 60 and you will also need to do your MC (and Ony if you're alliance) attunement in there.

Good luck :^)

Re: tanking question

PostPosted: Tue Jan 12, 2016 2:21 pm
by mean_steve
chunass wrote:You won't need fire res gear until you're tanking MC and Onyxia.

Starting off in regular 5-man instances, you will be the only tank as there isn't space for an offtank in such a small group. The first instance where people generally bring more than one tank is UBRS since that's 10-man. If you don't feel confident about starting to tank in your leveling gear, you could spec fury to dps instead and ask to roll on tank gear before going prot.

Also, until you've acquired decent tank gear from other dungeons, don't attempt tanking dungeons such as DM North, Strat Live or maintanking UBRS as you will get shrekt even with good healers. BRD is a good place to start off as that dungeon is doable before 60 and you will also need to do your MC (and Ony if you're alliance) attunement in there.

Good luck :^)

thats the infos i wanted :) thanks!
i will start in BRD and start to get more nice gear

Re: tanking question

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 1:56 am
by Undertanker
Only 2 tanks need FR gear for Rag and the trash leading up to it.

But get your set for times your name is called.

No resistance needed for Onxyia. When tanking her, you have very little rage, and she doesn't hit hard. So you want to take the extra fire damage to get more rage to generate more threat.

Re: tanking question

PostPosted: Wed Jan 13, 2016 8:18 am
by mean_steve
Undertanker wrote:Only 2 tanks need FR gear for Rag and the trash leading up to it.

But get your set for times your name is called.

No resistance needed for Onxyia. When tanking her, you have very little rage, and she doesn't hit hard. So you want to take the extra fire damage to get more rage to generate more threat.

okay so i will just collect all the res items ...better to have them as backup :mrgreen: