Ok so i got my warrior to 55...and its just awful
They said it will get better with mortal strike and recklessness...NOT. To be honest i dont even engange in pvp because for some reason nearly every single thing just owns meI guess i can kill rogues/really bad hunters/warlocks..other warriors. But thats about it
But self healing classes..forget it. Especially retardfagadins. There are just SO MANY cooldowns. Pop your recklessness? Bubble. Then LoH. Then freedom . I cant believe paladins are so imba and that 6 second stun , auras and that move they do where they sit down and crit you
Druids are also up there with that stupid bearform but not as overpowered since they dont seem to do as much damage but they have so many roots
Then i also have trouble against priests(or any clothies)...i thought warriors own cloth priests? I mean i cant even break this dude's shield and he is 2 levels below me
I know people say "warriors rock with pocket heals"
But ok, what class doesnt rock? what class doesnt own with pocket heals? Ive seen glass cannon agility hunters go 25-0 with healers, ive seen mages go 40-0 with paladin healers, etc.
The weapon im using is Executioner's cleaver, lvl 53 orc warrior
I am really starting to believe all those almighy vanilla warriors are bullshit,the class just feels such a weak and gimped right now at 53. Once you get put in combat, thats it you cant run away (like a rogue, or mage, or paladin, or druid), you basically either have to kill him or you die. and allaince usually goes in packs so you...err..die. Only healing you have is bandages and food and bandages suck donkeyballs since they have to tick and any dot breaks them so i just sell my cloth from now on...so really only healing you got is food