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Where to start at 60 prot war?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 1:58 pm
by Wodsucked
My warrior is in a bunch of dungeon blues and greens with aegis of the scarlet commander still. Where do i start to gear up? I'm assuming i'll get hit too hard in scholo/strath but idk.

Re: Where to start at 60 prot war?

PostPosted: Sat Jan 16, 2016 11:44 pm
by Undertanker
Easiest to hardest hitting zones.

Do Mara orb quest for - Mark of Chose trinket. This will help with your lack of stats, and is an amazing starter tank trinket.

BRD. - Get Force of Will Trinket. Get Tank legs (no stam but high def). Tanking Helm. Quest tanking belt.

DM East farm - get hit bow. This will give you more threat per second to hold threat and let you get some Line of sight practice with you and the healer on sacrifice boss. Possible chance at Quel sword. You can do quick 3 boss runs over and over regardless of gear and can make good money doing it. Use this money to buy Grand Medallion neck maybe stockade pauldarons. Get 1 - 8 stam 3 def tank ring from AH as well.

DM West - Tank gloves (put 3 def armor kit on it), 2% dodge trinket (if you didn't get Mark of chosen), help a warlock do their mount quest for tank bracers. This is all mostly magic damage in west. Use line of sight pulls, and plenty of CC. Some packs can wipe a good group if no cc/stuns are used.

UBRS - off tanking - Now would be a good time to spam run till you got Draconic Deflector shield. Be sure to do any attunements during this time. Also can get Finkles Skinner dagger for threat per second tanking.

Scholo - The best place to learn to AoE tank. Not hard hitting, but saved it to here, as AoE tanking takes time, you should have had enough practice to handle it now. Can get shoulders, and an okay starter tank weapon. The best item you want from here is Deathbone Breastplate has 17 def on it. 6 sub bosses drop it, 5 with 1% chance, mid bottom one has 2%

Strat UD - Can get better tanking weapon for stats (stam agil) - tank ring (band of flesh) - decent stam ranged weapon if you are unlucky on hit bow.

Strat live - Only the last boss can hit hard, but his mechanics are the actual tough part, use the skills you learned in DM east to have healer LOS boss but heal you. The trash leading up to it, is annoying, and best to bring CC until you are skilled or have great dps. Mage and Scorcers will wreck your group. - What you are going for here is tank chest from "in dreams" quest line. Good stam, 10 def. You can get this w/o tanking if you ask somebody that is already clearing it if you can get invited to loot the quest item. Stam boots from cannon boss are okay.

DM North - This is saved for last for good reason, the boss hits like a truck. Disarm him, demo shout him, what ever you can. He random charges so use line of sight healer technique here as well, so healer doesn't get charged. You will get your tanking cloak here, and a parry trinket if you didn't get trinket from DM west.

For enchants, just stam stack boots, bracer chest. Get 3 def gloves > 7 agil for your gear. +5 all resist cloak pretty cheap, 7 stam shield.

You are now good for MC/Ony/ZG without feeling like you are being carried and can contribute to a guild starting off if you are wanting to pave your own way and establish a #1/#2 tanking spot from a new guild.

Re: Where to start at 60 prot war?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 4:53 pm
by Turgon
Guy above me with some great advice, wish I could upvote here.

Re: Where to start at 60 prot war?

PostPosted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 6:02 pm
by Undertanker