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Limited Debuff Slots = Deep Wounds not good

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 9:35 am
by Wynta
With the very limited number of debuff slots going into deep wounds and in turn impale will negatively affect the raid. Now in retail there was also a problem where if you crit before deep wounds' first tick than the time to the initial tick would reset basically causing deepwounds to do no real damage. because of both these problems this is the fury tree i plan on raiding with. ... 525012251r

Re: Limited Debuff Slots = Deep Wounds not good

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 11:34 am
by Cherryhaze
I don't think other warriors are that bothered about the wounds its mainly to get; impale a great damage increase, and you can easily lose some points to get these talents not really needed are; points in deflection, Imp B. rage, Imp intercept,

I would go for something like this: ... 450501c51r

With the last two points either put in Imp. execute or one in imp execute and the other in anger management

Re: Limited Debuff Slots = Deep Wounds not good

PostPosted: Wed Mar 11, 2015 1:33 pm
by osa
deep wound is low priority debuff so we dont care he will be crush by most important debuff (curse/sunder/...)

so you can go for impale

Re: Limited Debuff Slots = Deep Wounds not good

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 3:53 am
by Wynta
unless it doesn't get applied if there are already 8 debuffs then you shouldn't get it. First Deep Wounds deals damage after one tick and if you reapply it before the first tick the tick starts over. Deep Wounds should do very little actual damage. Impale only applies to abilties and abilities do a very minor portion of your dps. I'd day go down to Imp OP and then Imp Execute, and Imp Zerker Rage and Intercept.

Re: Limited Debuff Slots = Deep Wounds not good

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 7:48 pm
by Harasser
Wynta wrote:Impale only applies to abilties and abilities do a very minor portion of your dps. I'd day go down to Imp OP and then Imp Execute, and Imp Zerker Rage and Intercept.
It's not really a very minor portion and anyway the damage increase is much more whit impale than whit zerker rage/ imp execute (intercept...really?). Imp execute in particular has been proven to be really bad on raidboss fights (or any fight taking more than 2-3 mins MAX).