by Imbaslap » Mon Jan 25, 2016 6:48 am
engineering helps a ton for warriors with grenades and if you have the money, get a force reactive disk.
also start looking at oils of immolation, anything that deals thorns based damage when you're hit (like the items from un'goro crystal force) these all stack up and help. also look at a shield spike as well if you're still struggling for money or certain gear.
as for actually target swapping. try and get used to nameplates for target swapping with cleave and sunder.
all of the above without FRD should do it pretty much for a long time. any blessing of sanct pally, druid thorns, retri aura in the party will help.
if dps unload before you touch the mob, that's mostly dps's fault.
if you're having issues getting rage, start swapping tank gear for dps gear in dungeons to do more damage and threat. it's no 1 trick pony, but you will need to utilize that method in later raids as well. every warrior tank needs to learn how to aoe tank. if this is for dungeons, start having a set in your bags specifically for that. (drillborer disk with shield spike and such).
I'm not sure if battleshout/demoshout spamming was retail like on Nost, but I do remember battleshout gave a ton of threat back then.