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Tanking with Battle Shout

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 4:25 pm
by thalley
I'm currently leveling a warrior and expecting to tank later on.

I was reading the Warrior Tanking Guide here on this forum, and noticed the threat generated by Battle Shout.

According to that guide, a Battle Shout can generate up to 411 (divided among all mobs in combat) if 5 members are buffed with it. In comparison, Sunder Armor generates up to 388 threat. Battle shout costs 10 rage, and Sunder Armor costs 12 with talents.

In a boss fight with no alive mobs/adds, is grouping 4 melees with the tank and then spamming Battle Shout, better than spamming Sunder Armor for threat? To me it seems like Battle Shout generates higher threat per second, but also more threat per rage.

Is there something I'm completely missing?

Re: Tanking with Battle Shout

PostPosted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 8:37 pm
by Heldunder
thalley wrote:I'm currently leveling a warrior and expecting to tank later on.

I was reading the Warrior Tanking Guide here on this forum, and noticed the threat generated by Battle Shout.

According to that guide, a Battle Shout can generate up to 411 (divided among all mobs in combat) if 5 members are buffed with it. In comparison, Sunder Armor generates up to 388 threat. Battle shout costs 10 rage, and Sunder Armor costs 12 with talents.

In a boss fight with no alive mobs/adds, is grouping 4 melees with the tank and then spamming Battle Shout, better than spamming Sunder Armor for threat? To me it seems like Battle Shout generates higher threat per second, but also more threat per rage.

Is there something I'm completely missing?

A: single targetthreat sunder is king, until rage cap then sunder and heroic strike.

b: for the love of god, dont level prot. why woudl you do this to yourself?!

Re: Tanking with Battle Shout

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 3:56 am
by zmandude24
thalley wrote:I'm currently leveling a warrior and expecting to tank later on.

I was reading the Warrior Tanking Guide here on this forum, and noticed the threat generated by Battle Shout.

According to that guide, a Battle Shout can generate up to 411 (divided among all mobs in combat) if 5 members are buffed with it. In comparison, Sunder Armor generates up to 388 threat. Battle shout costs 10 rage, and Sunder Armor costs 12 with talents.

In a boss fight with no alive mobs/adds, is grouping 4 melees with the tank and then spamming Battle Shout, better than spamming Sunder Armor for threat? To me it seems like Battle Shout generates higher threat per second, but also more threat per rage.

Is there something I'm completely missing?

First off, I'm not even sure if Battle Shout spamming works properly on this server or not. Second, if it does, the chances of you being grouped with 4 melee on raid bosses that you aren't tanking many mobs is extremely low due to the way most raid leaders set up their groups.

Also, using revenge (even using shield block to proc it) gives more threat per rage than sunder armor, and if you plan on being a core tank in your guild, you'd better spec into shield slam when you get near 60.

Re: Tanking with Battle Shout

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 9:22 am
by One-eyed-king
I can confirm that Battle Shout does not generate threat on Nostalrius (although in the original vanilla I think it did), That could be a bug or it could be intentional. Either way, it's majorly annoying when mobs start beating on the clothies because of their higher dps and I can't pull them off.

Re: Tanking with Battle Shout

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 12:03 pm
by Krowal
One-eyed-king wrote:I can confirm that Battle Shout does not generate threat on Nostalrius (although in the original vanilla I think it did), That could be a bug or it could be intentional. Either way, it's majorly annoying when mobs start beating on the clothies because of their higher dps and I can't pull them off.

I can confirm it does generate threat. The best place to test it out is Sunken Temple. The undeads before the prophet boss spawn a ghost after dieing. These ghosts are immune to everything and usually go for the healer because of the healing agro. At this point I start spamming battle shout and the miracle happens.

Re: Tanking with Battle Shout

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 5:52 pm
by Heldunder
Krowal wrote:
One-eyed-king wrote:I can confirm that Battle Shout does not generate threat on Nostalrius (although in the original vanilla I think it did), That could be a bug or it could be intentional. Either way, it's majorly annoying when mobs start beating on the clothies because of their higher dps and I can't pull them off.

I can confirm it does generate threat. The best place to test it out is Sunken Temple. The undeads before the prophet boss spawn a ghost after dieing. These ghosts are immune to everything and usually go for the healer because of the healing agro. At this point I start spamming battle shout and the miracle happens.

IT DEF. DOES. lol albeit not as much as it should

Re: Tanking with Battle Shout

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 6:58 pm
by Armilus
Sunder armour can trigger weapon procs so if you are using anything that has a weapon proc (quel'serar, alcor's, thunderfury) then sunder is better. You can also enchant your weapon with lifestealing if it doesn't already have a proc.

Not sure if battle shout is working properly or not. I remember hearing someone say that it only generates threat on initial application, not sure if that is true. Still levelling my warrior on nost so I can't test it.

Re: Tanking with Battle Shout

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 8:30 pm
by Kjepp
I did some testing with KTM (might not be accurate) and it only showed threat on initial application, spamming didn't increase it.

Re: Tanking with Battle Shout

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 8:33 pm
by itwasfree
Kjepp wrote:I did some testing with KTM (might not be accurate) and it only showed threat on initial application, spamming didn't increase it.

Is this a once per mob/combat situation or a reapplying doesn't give threat deal. As in, if I've got 5s left on my BS should, I wait until it falls off to renew it for some extra aggro? Or to be even more extreme: make sure everyone takes off BS before the pulls? (not gonna happen).

Re: Tanking with Battle Shout

PostPosted: Wed Jan 27, 2016 9:00 pm
by Undertanker
You are thinking too much into this. Keep BS up, refresh when you have extra rage and can afford to spend a global cooldown on it. Normal rotations based off situations for tanking.