Tanking while Levelling

Tanking while Levelling

by MacLennan » Mon Feb 01, 2016 4:03 am

So I am completely new to Warriors and tanking in Vanilla. I want to be able to tank 5 mans while levelling while still being as efficient as possible soloing levelling content. So pretty much what I'm asking, what are the bare minimum talents that I absolutely need to be able to tank effectively, what sort of build should I shoot for?

Obviously I need to focus on defence and threat, so talents like shield spec and defiance seem necessary. What other talents should I keep my eye on?

Re: Tanking while Levelling

by DanielGames » Mon Feb 01, 2016 5:47 pm

Just wear mail/plate + shield and spam sunder and revenge for starters. You don't need tanking talents at all for low level dungeons as your tanking abilities carry you. It's not like pally tanks that really need 11 in holy for aoe tanking. Yes they make tanking a bit easier but it'll gimp your soloing. You're gonna have spriests, feral druids and enh shamans/ret pallies healing if they carry around some int gear. Gear is more important than talentsand thankfully your leveling gear can also be used as your tanking gear.

There's been a few threads related to this one on this forums and there's even a prot guide stickied. That's a good place to get ideas.
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Re: Tanking while Levelling

by Problazer » Mon Feb 01, 2016 9:18 pm

Use a shield in defensive stance and spam sunder on everything.

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Re: Tanking while Levelling

by Undertanker » Mon Feb 01, 2016 11:03 pm


See comments on using shield block + revenge over Sunder and why.

Revenge, shield block, revenge in that order. Don't use shield block to pop your first revenge though as you might not get hit and miss initial aggro.

Other than that, any spec you are fine.
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