Tiqqer wrote:You all know the mace, but not everyone knows enough about it to use it well.
One such person is myself.
I recently got it, enchanted it, married and impregnated it. Simply because I love it so much and I use it with a flurry axe (hoping to get felstriker in the future).
But today I got 2 Deathbringers and I encountered a dilemma. What would give me maximum DPS?
(Keep in mind Ironfoe has 2.4 speed, Deathbringer has 2.9 and Flurry axe has 1.5 attack speed.)
Ironfoe+Flurry axe
Help me senpais!
The only thing that makes Deathbringer good is its high DPS/Top dmg/slow speed. The proc is very weak, can be resisted (unlike viskags) and the over-all proc rate is low.
vido wrote:After sword spec and windfury totem was fixed, I think it's safe to assume that the Ironfoe proc is working pretty well now.
Extra swing procs scale insanely with world buffs. If you manage to stack a few and with decent enough gear it's potentially better than HWL weps and on par with KT weapons/TF with something like rend buff. That's assuming that the procrate is 10% and that it also procs from specials like Hamstring, HS, Cleave and autos.
Ironfoe does indeed proc on hamstring, HS, cleave and autos and the proc-rate is 10%. I have tested this myself. Ironfoe is likely the best 1h available for furies well into AQ, probably about equal to CTS/Crul/BWL/GM weapons.