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dual db on pve serv

PostPosted: Fri Feb 12, 2016 10:59 pm
by MrCer
Greetings. My fury warrior is on the pve server. At the moment I am using dual deathbringer with edgemasters (non-orc).

My understanding of fury warrior is, you'll eventually reach a point where having a fast offhand for extra rage is irrelevant once you are geared. Which means the primary purpose off your offhand is to have max wep dmg and good stats (AP/crit).

Once AV is released in a month -- db gets a major buff. Higher wep dmg and proc no longer takes a debuff slot. Will dual db be bis (minus r14 wep)? Or maybe a better question should be:

What's the best possible weapon setup (minus r14 wep) for fury warrior when AV is released?

Re: dual db on pve serv

PostPosted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 7:06 pm
by vido
The additional rage you get from UW procs by having a fast offhand vs a slow one is almost zero. With 5/5 Imp DW your offhand has a 62.5% damage modifier so the actual dps on your offhand isn't too important either.

The reason you want a fast offhand is that you'll get a lot more dodges which translate into more overpowers and with the 62.5% modifier you're looking for a stat stick rather than a 2.9 speed axe with a shitty proc.

That being said, a DB offhand still isn't a terrible choice for an orc under the condition that you're not using edgemaster's and making use of the full +5 weapon skill racial.

Re: dual db on pve serv

PostPosted: Wed Feb 17, 2016 7:26 am
by Amkô
Try to get a brutality blade from MC as you got Edgemasters and the stats on it are very nice.

Also the proc not consuming slots is shitty and resistable and (consumes shadowbolt stacks from warlocks :P), altough it's a very very good mainhand because of the max-dmg (better cleaving multi-target bosses, whirlwind high dmg, heroic strike high dmg..)
But there are not many options on the PVE server so I think you will stick for a long time to your 2xDB, as other players may get the brutality blade, because they dont have any items like you? :p