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[HELP] Defensive Stance Warrior Quest

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 4:05 am
by clarkedudette
Hello, I need help with the Warrior quest which gives you Defensive stance, taunt and sunder armor. I am level 14 Tauren and I must have skipped the quest by accident and now i do not know how to get the quest. I have tried bloodhoof village and thunderbluff but still can't find the quest. Please reply to this thread to help me, thank you guys i really need help.

Re: [HELP] Defensive Stance Warrior Quest

PostPosted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 5:27 am
by DanielGames
Look for the warrior trainer in bloodhoof village. If for whatever reason that doesn't work, try the warrior trainers in razor hill (durotar) and orgrimmar.


If you already did the first part, the 2nd part involves this npc: