by RedBanner » Sun Mar 27, 2016 8:14 pm
Seems like you would benefit from SuperMacro.
## /equip, /smequip, /eq, /smeq
Equip or use an item. Also works with item links. Alt-click on item to insert item link into macro.
Ex. /eq hatchet
## /equipoff, /smequipoff, /eqoff, /smeqoff
Equip item into off-hand slot. Also works with item links. Alt-click on item to insert item link into macro.
Ex. /eqoff shield
Also, in general, your overall macroing will be a lot easier with it.
Join #macrochat text channel for macro assistance (no sign-up required):
I'm not a pro, but I love building macros, sharing what I know, and learning more.