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Sword and Board Macro
Mon Feb 22, 2016 5:22 am
by packersville
Been using this macro I found on the forums.
- Code: Select all
/run local i,c=PickupInventoryItem,PickupContainerItem;i(17);if CursorHasItem()then c(4,2);end i(16);c(4,1);c(4,2);EquipCursorItem(17);
The issue I am having is switching from 2 1H weapons to 1H and sword. It never works for me. Does anyone one have a working version where this would work?
Re: Sword and Board Macro
Tue Feb 23, 2016 1:08 am
by Undertanker
Make life easier and use outfitter 2.0. You should be able to save two different equip sets, just differing the weapons used. Then you can make them an ability button so you can hotkey or click depending on your bar setup and how many bindings are at your disposal "gaming mouse or not".
** Note: Bartender 2.0 - Do not change equipment sets while you are in combat. These save the stance you are in when doing this. I did this when fishing by mistake when a mob spawned on me and I was messing with raid sets for certain bosses. Swapped weapons in combat with bartender 2.0 equipment saver opened. I did DM east farming and every time I swapped to Def stance, it put my fishing pole on, making stance dancing impossible until I learned what was causing it.
Re: Sword and Board Macro
Tue Feb 23, 2016 3:59 am
by packersville
For those that have interesting this was the solution for me
- Code: Select all
/script local a,b,c=CursorHasItem,PickupInventoryItem,PickupContainerItem;if(not a())then CloseMerchant();b(17);if(a())then c(4,6);c(4,5);b(16)else c(4,5);b(16);c(4,6);b(17)end end ClearCursor()
Re: Sword and Board Macro
Wed Feb 24, 2016 7:00 am
by Irachkom
There is better solution, I'm using:
1-st macro using Execute if you got weapon in OH, else equiping shiled(slot 4,1):
/Run if OffhandHasWeapon() then CastSpellByName("Execute") else PickupInventoryItem(17);PickupContainerItem(4,1);PickupInventoryItem(17)end
2-nd macro using Shield Block if you DONT have weapon in OH, else equiping weapon(slot 4,1):
/Run if OffhandHasWeapon() then PickupInventoryItem(17);PickupContainerItem(4,1);PickupInventoryItem(17)else CastSpellByName("Shield Block")end
Re: Sword and Board Macro
Sun Mar 27, 2016 8:14 pm
by RedBanner
Seems like you would benefit from SuperMacro.
## /equip, /smequip, /eq, /smeq
Equip or use an item. Also works with item links. Alt-click on item to insert item link into macro.
Ex. /eq hatchet
## /equipoff, /smequipoff, /eqoff, /smeqoff
Equip item into off-hand slot. Also works with item links. Alt-click on item to insert item link into macro.
Ex. /eqoff shield
Also, in general, your overall macroing will be a lot easier with it.