I've been doing a lot of BGs on my warrior and one in every ten battlegrounds seems to have a charge or intercept issue.
I will charge a player and it will disconnect me. I'll log back in quickly and it'll sit on the 100% loading bar for however long it takes for the Alliance to kill me.
When I log back in I'll be on ghost form over where I charged/intercepted to prior to disconnection.
I must then run to the graveyard, hit log out, disconnect again, log back in and I'll be resurrected.
However I will then be unable to see any player or flag until I log out and in again. Then I will see all players in the wrong place until they die.
This is hugely problematic since I can't afford to keep logging in and out and I'm basically screwed if I have to charge an opponent.
What causes this bug and how can I prevent it?