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LvL specc 2h Fury? (solved)
Sat Feb 27, 2016 10:18 am
by Burgaz
Hi I'm gonna twink a warrior and would like to know which is the best specc to lvl up.
I heard that 2h fury til 40 then Arms would be good. Now I'm wondering, is it true? why 2h Fury? what kind of weapon should I use then? a faster one? a slow one?
Thanks in advance
Re: LvL specc 2h Fury?
Sat Feb 27, 2016 10:50 pm
by Undertanker
2h weapon speed doesn't matter as much pre40. But with a slower weapon, your first auto will hit much stronger, and there is a very small increase of attack speed using a slower weapon vs a fast weapon with flurry. As well, don't duel wield as you take a huge miss penalty compared to a 2h weapon.
Example: (used even numbers for ease of understanding)
2 second weapon. = 20% attack speed increase is now a 1.6 second weapon. Gained 0.4 second.
4 second weapon = 20% attack speed increase is now a 3.2 second weapon. Gained 0.8 second.
The talents in Fury pre-40 help a lot for a warrior who is limited to auto-attacks. Also can use a /sit macro to purposely take 1 crit at the start of a fight to get a huge damage spike.
You swap to 2h arms after 40 because bloodthirst is very AP dependent which you will lack and Mortal strike spec is less gear dependent.
For weapons, pre Mortal strike, get the best DPS with good stats.
Post Mortal strike, get the highest top-end damage weapon.
Re: LvL specc 2h Fury?
Sun Feb 28, 2016 1:37 am
by Burgaz
Awesome, that helps me a lot.
Re: LvL specc 2h Fury? (solved)
Sun Feb 28, 2016 5:47 am
by vido
I don't see where you're going with the attack speeds there, the 30% is going to contribute the same dps no matter what the speed of your weapon is. Slow weapons however will lead to higher flurry uptime since your instants will contribute more flurry procs compared to the rate at which you use them up whereas fast ones will decrease your uptime.
I agree with most other points, pre special cap your hit rate with DW is going to be pretty bad (since you're not only missing 5-8% of your instants but your autos as well) and your WW/Cleave damage will be terrible.
The first 3 tiers of Fury and Arms are pretty even overall, but you'll want to get enrage asap so starting out Fury specced makes the most sense. Pick up booming voice rather than UW if you're using a 2h, it will save you more rage than UW will generate.
When you engage a mob you should rend+auto then sit to proc enrage and always keep up demo shout. At 40 Arms/Fury are pretty comparable, though Fury is the better pre-60 grinding spec as long as you have sit on bind.