by PharstÅr » Fri Mar 04, 2016 9:52 am
Rage talents. Idk the math but practically speaking I've found DW much more survivable, better rage gen (less costly misses than 2h and all the low level misses in addition to being able to fight higher level mobs). I took 20 in arms (all rage talents full except the rage decay one), imp OP, Rend->Impale full. Then went all Fury: Cruelty, UW, I took piercing howl for those messy pulls you need to run from or PvP, Blood Craze is good for leveling survivability, 1 point in imp BS, Enrage, Deathwish, Flurry, then full DW, And of course BT (Go back and respec 1 less point in imp HS off the arms tree for full DW from Fury. Finding or buying good weaps is a must. I love fast offhanders. Thrashblade from the quest is awesome. Use sharpening stones in 5mans. I used Sul'Thraze from ZF for a few levels until I could afford Flurry Axe. I've read min/maxers say that rage gen is equivalent between 2h and DW but I just can't stand those streaks of misses and found myself dying much more often. I forgot to mention tact mastery, I took full 5/5, don't know exactly what's necessary but stance dancing is a must for charge and then jumping into berserker for berserker rage gen then switching for battle for OP or defensive for disarm etc. Saving rage is so necessary to stay in the fight between stances.