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Warrior Fury Spec?

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 11:31 am
by Nothing
Eh. So I've never played warrior before (Big surprise) and I'm looking to make my first Horde character a warrior. I've searched around Google and WoW forums to try and find a good DPS spec tree to follow, however, I've had little luck with it - 99% of the links to a talent tree were out-dated.

So onto the point of the topic. Does anyone have a good Fury spec tree to follow? I'm looking to mainly focus on DPS, not really into prot etc.


Re: Warrior DPS Spec?

PostPosted: Sun Feb 28, 2016 12:16 pm
by Rod3n
I'm fairly certain that this has been discussed before on recent topics....

For levelling i'd say 2h arms i the way to go. Talents dont matter much, but make sure to get Impr. Overpower (2/2), Deep wounds (3/3) and Impale (2/2). Also take (5/5) Cruelty in fury. I'd advise not to take weapon specialization talents while levelling since you want to get the best weaps regardless of their type, while also getting to level different weapon skills. And it's more fun. (+weap skill don't matter pre-60).

If you wanna be fancy pre-40; get a swing timer addon and use Slam with a nice slow weapon. Press slam just after you hit a melee-attack.

Levelling 2h fury is also viable, and the important talents here are (5/5) enrage and (5/5) flurry while doing the sitting tactic.

And dont bother DW'ing.

For fury i would go with (something) like this

Re: Warrior Fury Spec?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 11:01 am
by Nothing
Thanks :P I look around the forums a little but so many posts go off-topic to quickly it's not worth looking through the pages :P Thanks again though.

Re: Warrior DPS Spec?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 29, 2016 11:21 am
by St0rfan
Rod3n wrote:I'm fairly certain that this has been discussed before on recent topics....

For levelling i'd say 2h arms i the way to go. Talents dont matter much, but make sure to get Impr. Overpower (2/2), Deep wounds (3/3) and Impale (2/2). Also take (5/5) Cruelty in fury. I'd advise not to take weapon specialization talents while levelling since you want to get the best weaps regardless of their type, while also getting to level different weapon skills. And it's more fun. (+weap skill don't matter pre-60).

If you wanna be fancy pre-40; get a swing timer addon and use Slam with a nice slow weapon. Press slam just after you hit a melee-attack.

Levelling 2h fury is also viable, and the important talents here are (5/5) enrage and (5/5) flurry while doing the sitting tactic.

And dont bother DW'ing.

For fury i would go with (something) like this


Re: Warrior Fury Spec?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 8:43 am
by Nothing
Don't suppose anyone has a DW Level 60 spec I could template? I literally can't find any across the forum :X I want to raid on level-60 so no point in being 2H after level 40 then etc.

Re: Warrior DPS Spec?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 4:25 pm
by thenuclearwalrus
Rod3n wrote:
For fury i would go with (something) like this

That spec is pretty good, but its been discussed on the forum, and getting 5/5 booming voice will save more rage than Unbridled Wrath will generate. With the 5/5 enrage and the blood craze, you will want to charge in and then /sit to force a crit and become enraged to have a 100% uptime (or as near as you can).

Re: Warrior DPS Spec?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 8:00 pm
by Heldunder
St0rfan wrote:
Rod3n wrote:I'm fairly certain that this has been discussed before on recent topics....

For levelling i'd say 2h arms i the way to go. Talents dont matter much, but make sure to get Impr. Overpower (2/2), Deep wounds (3/3) and Impale (2/2). Also take (5/5) Cruelty in fury. I'd advise not to take weapon specialization talents while levelling since you want to get the best weaps regardless of their type, while also getting to level different weapon skills. And it's more fun. (+weap skill don't matter pre-60).

If you wanna be fancy pre-40; get a swing timer addon and use Slam with a nice slow weapon. Press slam just after you hit a melee-attack.

Levelling 2h fury is also viable, and the important talents here are (5/5) enrage and (5/5) flurry while doing the sitting tactic.

And dont bother DW'ing.

For fury i would go with (something) like this


hasnt the conclusion always been 2h fury is the better spec to level...

Re: Warrior Fury Spec?

PostPosted: Tue Mar 01, 2016 9:00 pm
by Heldunder
also i was DW fury and outleveld most other warriors i ran accross.... so w/e

Re: Warrior DPS Spec?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 02, 2016 7:48 am
by St0rfan
Heldunder wrote:
St0rfan wrote:
Rod3n wrote:I'm fairly certain that this has been discussed before on recent topics....

For levelling i'd say 2h arms i the way to go. Talents dont matter much, but make sure to get Impr. Overpower (2/2), Deep wounds (3/3) and Impale (2/2). Also take (5/5) Cruelty in fury. I'd advise not to take weapon specialization talents while levelling since you want to get the best weaps regardless of their type, while also getting to level different weapon skills. And it's more fun. (+weap skill don't matter pre-60).

If you wanna be fancy pre-40; get a swing timer addon and use Slam with a nice slow weapon. Press slam just after you hit a melee-attack.

Levelling 2h fury is also viable, and the important talents here are (5/5) enrage and (5/5) flurry while doing the sitting tactic.

And dont bother DW'ing.

For fury i would go with (something) like this


hasnt the conclusion always been 2h fury is the better spec to level...

I was agreeing to the 2h fury spec posted.

Re: Warrior Fury Spec?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 04, 2016 9:52 am
by PharstÃ…r
Rage talents. Idk the math but practically speaking I've found DW much more survivable, better rage gen (less costly misses than 2h and all the low level misses in addition to being able to fight higher level mobs). I took 20 in arms (all rage talents full except the rage decay one), imp OP, Rend->Impale full. Then went all Fury: Cruelty, UW, I took piercing howl for those messy pulls you need to run from or PvP, Blood Craze is good for leveling survivability, 1 point in imp BS, Enrage, Deathwish, Flurry, then full DW, And of course BT (Go back and respec 1 less point in imp HS off the arms tree for full DW from Fury. Finding or buying good weaps is a must. I love fast offhanders. Thrashblade from the quest is awesome. Use sharpening stones in 5mans. I used Sul'Thraze from ZF for a few levels until I could afford Flurry Axe. I've read min/maxers say that rage gen is equivalent between 2h and DW but I just can't stand those streaks of misses and found myself dying much more often. I forgot to mention tact mastery, I took full 5/5, don't know exactly what's necessary but stance dancing is a must for charge and then jumping into berserker for berserker rage gen then switching for battle for OP or defensive for disarm etc. Saving rage is so necessary to stay in the fight between stances.