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Tanking with fury

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 12:46 pm
by Rod3n
hey guys, atm i'm specced tank and doing it fulltime (spec: However i've also been assigned to dps in some cases.
And there you are: Swapping shield in out in order to shield slam, trying to deal as much dps...

I've thought about respeccing into something like this:
In theory, I find that this spec only suffers a tiny bit of survivability while actually allowing you to do decent dps.
Of course, the lack of (2/2) Impale doesn't make you a perfect one, though.

This spec should be meant for tanking 90% of the time.

Maybe a few points should be spent in Defiance, but i suppose threat will be less of a concern with stuff like Enrage and Flurry.

Let me know what you think -- i'm curious how other of you OT's do it

Re: Tanking with fury

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 1:25 pm
by St0rfan
Noone uses hybrid tanks in this day and age. There's simply no need for it. For your regular 40man raid you will need 3-5 protection tanks and an additional 1-3 fury warriors who carry tanking gear. A fury warrior in pre-raid bis tanking gear can easily Offtank in the few places its needed in MC/BWL where you need more than 3 protection tanks.

Re: Tanking with fury

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 6:26 pm
by Heldunder
Rod3n wrote:hey guys, atm i'm specced tank and doing it fulltime (spec: However i've also been assigned to dps in some cases.
And there you are: Swapping shield in out in order to shield slam, trying to deal as much dps...

I've thought about respeccing into something like this:
In theory, I find that this spec only suffers a tiny bit of survivability while actually allowing you to do decent dps.
Of course, the lack of (2/2) Impale doesn't make you a perfect one, though.

This spec should be meant for tanking 90% of the time.

Maybe a few points should be spent in Defiance, but i suppose threat will be less of a concern with stuff like Enrage and Flurry.

Let me know what you think -- i'm curious how other of you OT's do it

the real issue with the offtanks and not being specced prot is defiance. with out 5/5 defiance theres no need to put any points into defense.

either get a nightfall and hamstring your life away on fights where youre dpsing, or go a dedicated dps spec.

Re: Tanking with fury

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 7:11 pm
by zmandude24
Assuming you are tanking on most of the fights and dpsing only a few, I'd go with this spec (Impale Spec with Imp Overpower) since you will get virtually all the benefits you need for tanking and your dps won't be terrible if you use a 2H (pref nightfall) on the fights you are dpsing.

Re: Tanking with fury

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 7:21 pm
by smilkovpetko
some small amount of fights are good with this combo ,
-example chromaggus (when there is no timelapse) tanking as fury can bring warrior 2nd on threat list behind maintank ,
-another example is princess huhuran where they can swap threats (as official strategy 3 tanks swap for stacks) ,
-another example is Gluth where maintank need some debuff refreshing and have to use 2nd tank. (don't forget all the bosses mention are immune to taunt) ,
-another but non important boss is neffarian if you don't have enough dwarf priests for fearward.

Re: Tanking with fury

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 8:19 pm
by Rod3n
thx good responses, getting nightfall seems like a really good idea. Getting one would give you a slight purpose when dpsing, even while keeping the standard tank spec.
So you just spam hamstring to make it proc more? :twisted:

Heldunder wrote:the real issue with the offtanks and not being specced prot is defiance. with out 5/5 defiance theres no need to put any points into defense.

well I guess that could be solved with this (although it would make you kinda handicapped without points in tactical mastery)

Re: Tanking with fury

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 9:47 pm
by Undertanker
Yes hamstring to proc more as it is a low cost instant attack that does direct damage meaning it allows procs.

Get the ZG Exhaulted neck to reduce the cost by 2 and if you wanna pvp grind gloves reduce it by 3. Allowing for a5 rage hamstrings. If you also use 5/8 T2, the proc will allow a fre hamstring paired with neck and gloves.

If you get Nightfall, enchant with icey weapon for 25% attack speed debuff if your guild doesnt have a thuderfury. Having 2 OTs swinging this will have great uptime on both debuffs.

Re: Tanking with fury

PostPosted: Wed Mar 09, 2016 10:05 pm
by Rod3n
Undertanker wrote:Yes hamstring to proc more as it is a low cost instant attack that does direct damage meaning it allows procs.

Get the ZG Exhaulted neck to reduce the cost by 2 and if you wanna pvp grind gloves reduce it by 3. Allowing for a5 rage hamstrings. If you also use 5/8 T2, the proc will allow a fre hamstring paired with neck and gloves.

If you get Nightfall, enchant with icey weapon for 25% attack speed debuff if your guild doesnt have a thuderfury. Having 2 OTs swinging this will have great uptime on both debuffs.

thank you, good stuff

Re: Tanking with fury

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 12:51 am
by Heldunder
Rod3n wrote:thx good responses, getting nightfall seems like a really good idea. Getting one would give you a slight purpose when dpsing, even while keeping the standard tank spec.
So you just spam hamstring to make it proc more? :twisted:

Heldunder wrote:the real issue with the offtanks and not being specced prot is defiance. with out 5/5 defiance theres no need to put any points into defense.

well I guess that could be solved with this (although it would make you kinda handicapped without points in tactical mastery)

that link seems broken. but essentially yes.