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Leveling, It gets better?

PostPosted: Mon Mar 14, 2016 10:50 pm
by JockSandWich
So at the moment i'm an arms warrior and it seems even with immense knowledge of warriors and some experience on retail. Infact I still have and play my warrior that I created in vanilla and it was also my first character.

But I have to ask incase i've forgotten...

It gets better soon right leveling that is?

Let me first start by saying im not complaining, I understand that vanilla is a great deal harder than current WoW. The thing i'm asking is obv I just started here, I know warriors are gear dependant more so than most classes.
I can't pull moer than 1 thing without getting rekt. Like...If I pull 2 things even with a shield on and in def stance or out of def stance I can't survive them 99% of the time. Hell im 18 and if i pull two lvl 16 things I'm dead for sure.

Please other than needing to perhaps upgrade my gear, tell me what do I need to do to make this easier. I've got potions I've got first aid and i've got food.

I might just roll a hunter and ez-lvl if I could stand the start areas on alliance other than human. :D

Help me my brothers with advice.

Re: Leveling, It gets better?

PostPosted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 11:42 pm
by Ziphr
I dont know if it gets better at higher levels, but you mentioned gear scaling and I have to confirm gear makes warrior a whole different class

leveled a warrior to early 30s on pvp and pve server, one was broke the other twinked out from endless wallet

The poor warrior was the worst leveling experience Ive ever had, and the rich was one of the best

I dont know if things get better or worse from simply being higher level, but gear availability should get better after 30 even for a poor warrior

whirlwind axe, SM, Ulda(2h off last boss) and alot of dungeons keep opening after that- and you will never have trouble finding groups because youre a warrior(be ready to tank though)

As far as helpful things, if youre on the pvp server- onyxia buffs. Figure out when they go up and get them. Im not sure if darkmoon faire is avail on pvp server but if it is, get a good fortune buff... UNFORTUNATELY.. If youre on the pvp server, youre going to get ganked and lose these buffs alot after 20

low level elixirs are usually pretty cheap, and also sharpening stones. Its worth noting that sharpening stones go alot further on faster weapons... dual wielding doomspikes(1.50 daggers) at 20 on my twinked char was absurd in part to sharp stones

if you had funds Id suggest engineering.. suppose you could mining/engi if you dont

thats all that really comes to mind

so tldr
gear makes warrior leveling better

gear is more accessible for a first(broke) character later on

so it should get a little better at least

imo anyways

Re: Leveling, It gets better?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 7:10 am
by surrealist823
If you have friends that can help you get your whirlwind axe at level 30, then leveling from that point onwards becomes very easy.

Whirlwind axe (Warrior quest) -> Bonebiter (SM Quest if you are alliance) -> Stoneslayer (Uldaman) -> Ice Barbed Spear (AV Quest)

Re: Leveling, It gets better?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 7:22 am
by Mjl
It does not. 1x is fucking shit to begin with and warrior is probably the hardest class to level in vanilla. Good luck.

Re: Leveling, It gets better?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 2:42 pm
by Suppresso
It's gets much easier as you level and get better gear.

My suggestion to you is make an alt that can farm and feed gold t your warrior and only level the warrior with the 200% exp.

Re: Leveling, It gets better?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 2:59 pm
by Dr. Doom
Levelled 10-60 Protection warrior, so I think I can pitch in terms of levelling pain. It gets easier as you level up because dungeon loot gets better and it is more numerous.

Re: Leveling, It gets better?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 8:43 pm
by Heldunder
2H fury will give a slightly better leveling experience, but your pvp ability will not be as good.

Re: Leveling, It gets better?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 2:44 am
by Takaminara
Dr. Doom wrote:Levelled 10-60 Protection warrior, so I think I can pitch in terms of levelling pain. It gets easier as you level up because dungeon loot gets better and it is more numerous.

Not a single sane person will ever level his warrior as protection.

Re: Leveling, It gets better?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 6:29 am
by St0rfan
Warrior is infinitely easier to lvl the last stretch 50-60.

Re: Leveling, It gets better?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 18, 2016 7:02 am
by dm0x
So, I just recently started on this server myself and im not even as far as you, but this game has quickly reminded me of what it was like to play when vanilla first launched. No money, no bags, no guild. Too many people clamoring for quest objectives and mobs. The only difference is that everyone knows the game, so rare mobs will be camped 24/7 and you'll be fighting probably 4/5 people in your group when you try and get your hand of justice.

Leveling in Vanilla as a warrior was absolutely fucking god-awful. Remember that this is pre-rage normalisation. So not only does gear make you substantially more hardy, it also increases your rage generation, which increases your performance. So at low levels, on your first character, you are playing essentially Classic WoW on Ironman difficulty with the most gear dependant class in the game. If you thought you were in for a good time, you were sorely mistaken.

Warriors, however, are also one of the most notoriously well scaling classes in the game. Meaning if you have the funds to keep your warrior geared as he levels, you'll be having a fucking blast all the way throught this experience and you'll have a crazy amount of end-game potential.

So in retrospect, if you can stomach leveling multiple classes, I'd say go for your hunter, hit max level, farm some gold, and come back to warrior later when you have the resources to invest in him.

However, if you are like me, you'll just push through, knowing you accepted to play the game on the hardest difficulty by playing an undergeared warrior with no means to support yourself, but knowing that eventually you'll have your Ice Barbed Spear, and then finally your Unstoppable Force. And with engineering, tubers, and a few thorium grenades, you may even be able to kill a mage some day.