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Sweeping Strikes bugs

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:17 pm
by Iskatu
Hey guys,

I've just recently gotten enough talent points to get this talent and I immediately found some bugs that I'm already familiar with on feenix to some extent.

- If I crit my main target, the damage of my off target, which gets hit by sweeping strikes, is calculated as if i hit my initial target normally (i.e. no crit)
Example on two identical mobs: I hit A for 180 with a auto attack - I hit B with ~180 with sweeping strikes
I crit A for 320 with auto attack - I hit B with ~ 170 with sweeping strikes

- Another thing is that my sweeping strikes occasionally get dodged, which shouldn't happen at all ( I haven't experienced any parries yet). My state of knowledge is that sweeping strikes cannot be parried, dodged or blocked.

Btw, this is my source I'm basing my assumptions on:

It should be pretty accurate and reliable, since it is a copy/paste from a former sweeping strikes guide back then on the blizzard forums.

I fear there's more to come(e.g. damage multipliers or SS in conjunction with WW/execute) but since I don't know which patch Nostalrius uses as the state of art for this spell I'm gonna need some feedback.

Firstly can you confirm my assumptions above?
Secondly will Nostalrius adapt Sweeping strikes with each new content release as Blizzard did it in vanilla back then? (Due to the fact that sweeping strikes had so many changes during 1.0 - 1.12.1)

Greetz Iskatu(o)

Edit: I just recognized parries and blocks can occur as well

Re: Sweeping Strikes bugs

PostPosted: Mon Mar 16, 2015 9:50 pm
by Warrgasm
I'm starting to get aggrevated by all these warrior bugs... Did they just not have any decent warriors in beta to point out rage lost on avoided specials, hamstring not working in PvE or sweeping strikes bugs?

Re: Sweeping Strikes bugs

PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 11:56 am
by Koett
Warrgasm wrote:I'm starting to get aggrevated by all these warrior bugs... Did they just not have any decent warriors in beta to point out rage lost on avoided specials, hamstring not working in PvE or sweeping strikes bugs?

All these bugs have been reported, more than once.

Re: Sweeping Strikes bugs

PostPosted: Tue Mar 17, 2015 12:02 pm
by Youfie
Koett wrote:
Warrgasm wrote:I'm starting to get aggrevated by all these warrior bugs... Did they just not have any decent warriors in beta to point out rage lost on avoided specials, hamstring not working in PvE or sweeping strikes bugs?

All these bugs have been reported, more than once.

And some of them were working fine / were fixed during beta.

Re: Sweeping Strikes bugs

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 6:13 pm
by Iskatu
Bump + another edit:

I've seen sweeping strikes critting today, which prolly explains why sweeping strikes only does half the damage if auto attacks/other special attacks crit and the damage of SS itself is being calculated, since it is most likely scripted currently as if it was a attack on its own (with its own chance to crit, chance to being parried, dodged etc..)

According to the guide I linked SS crits must have in fact existed, but they worked slightly different from how they do now:

Sweeping Strikes Crits

Until 1.11, SS was not able to crit. I say this because several of my mods (CritLine, Damage Meters) had not recorded any SS crits up until that point. Some people will no doubt argue that it could crit but in this case I will simply assume that my mods were not lying and those people are wrong.

Now, while SS can crit, it’s more of fun bonus than a serious one. SS crits will never do more damage than the original hit would have done if it had crit. This is a bit confusing but I’ll do my best to illustrate this with an example:

Say that you fight two targets with the same armor with SS up. Here are the four possible outcomes (using arbitrary numbers):

You hit A for 500.
Your Sweeping Strikes hits B for 500.

You crit A for 1000.
Your Sweeping Strikes hits B for 1000.

You hit A for 500
Your Sweeping Strikes crits B for 1000

You crit A for 1000
Your Sweeping Strikes crits B for 1000

If you crit A for 1000, SS cannot crit B for more than 1000. In a sense the two attacks work independently of each other in the sense that SS crits will occur regardless of whather your main attack crits or not, but at the same time the SS damage is directly linked to the main attack damage. So SS crits are mainly a fun thing that doesn’t add too much damage in the long run, nor is it predictable at all.

SS crits will ignore Impale and will not effected by +crit from gear, nor Recklessness.

Re: Sweeping Strikes bugs

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 8:05 pm
by DoriathNost
check out this video too.

At the 16 min mark he has a 2k white crit that leads into a 4.5k non crit sweeping strikes hit.

Can anybody explain how that happens?

The whole video is sweeping strikes madness btw

Re: Sweeping Strikes bugs

PostPosted: Thu Mar 19, 2015 8:20 pm
by Iskatu
That's because sweeping strikes is being affected by damage multiplying buffs itselfs as well, like enrage, berserker buff or death wish. Darkmystify pushed this to the limit by speccing 21/30/0 or something like that to get sweeping strikes, death wish, 5/5 enrage and 2h weapon specialization. In reality this would be kinda strange though because youre missing bloodthirst/mortal strike, but its a fun specc to get some imba sweeping strikes numbers.

There's another Darkmystify video where hes farming Tyrs hand and globaling stuff like mad (6.5k SS hits and shit):

I havent had the opportunity yet to check whether this works as well on this server because I have limited talent points available, but this of course should work as in the video you linked (which is why I love this spell so much)

The guide I've referred to before confirms everything:

It’s quite simple. The formula used by SS allows it to take into account +% dmg increases, just like every other warrior ability that does direct damage.

This means that Sweeping Strikes, in addition to copying the main attack damage regardless of how much it’s buffed, will also apply +% dmg bonuses a second time.

What does this mean? It means that when you’re enraged, you’ll get the 25% bonus three times. First on your main attack, then on your SS and then a second time on your SS. So because of Enrage the main attack gets a 25% damage bonus while the SS attack gets 56%.

We can assume that Enrage is applied to SS a second time. To see whether our assumption is correct or not, we can do a simple test:

Find two mobs of the same level and kind. Attack them, pop SS and note whether your SS will do exactly as much damage as your main attack does. If it does then the mobs are identical. Next, you can wait for them to enrage you, then pop SS and observe the damage. Your SS should do more damage than your main attack.

If you don’t want to do that, you can simply click the link below and check if the calculation we’ll do next is accurate: ... gedSS1.jpg

The test was done against two elite mobs of the same level and armor class. Enrage was up and the damage done was as follows:

You crit A for 997.
Your Sweeping Strikes hits B for 1246.

997 x 1.25 = 1246.25 ~ 1246

Your Mortal Strike hits A for 623.
Your Sweeping Strikes hits B for 779.

623 x 1.25 = 778.75 ~ 779

Thus, the calculations are correct and SS does indeed get a second enrage bonus. Our assumption was correct.

Edit: There's one or two things that have changed though from when these two videos were shot and when 1.12.1 hit:

- Using whirlewind in conjunction with SS should only use 1 charge of sweeping strikes, contrary to older patches where up to all 5 charges were used. ( I haven't had the opportunity yet to check whether its working like this currently on this server, because I dont have whirlewind yet (lvl 32 RIP ))

- Using execute in conjunction with SS should only apply the full execute damage if the secondary target is below 20% as well. If that's not the case the damage on the secondary target is calculated as if the execute on the primary target was a normal weapon swing. (From my experience this works correctly on Nostalrius. Edit: See post below, its only working partially)

Re: Sweeping Strikes bugs

PostPosted: Sat Mar 21, 2015 8:47 pm
by Iskatu
Found one more major bug:

If I hit my main target with a random special attack the damage of the off target which gets hit by sweeping strikes is calculated as if I hit it with a normal auto attack. Example:

I hit A for 200 with auto attack - > I hit B for 200 with sweeping strikes
I hit A for 250 with heroic strike - > I hit B for 200 with sweeping strikes
I hit A for 15 with hamstring - > I hit B for 200 with sweeping strikes

This of course is total nonsense as it should copy the damage of the attack (then multiply it with any bonus damage effects and damage mitigation/amplification through armor difference if that's the case).

Special case execute:
The characteristics I described above should only apply for execute, if target B is above 20%, which is currently working fine. However if target B is below 20% the full execute damage should be taken into account, which is not working at the moment (instead the damage is calculated with a normal weapon swing as well).

Considering the amount of bugs and this core flaw I'm kind of disappointed to say the least about the effort the scripters put into this spell. Sweeping strikes is such a key spell for warriors and it is nowhere near to how it should be working, which is irritating me (I wonder what the testers did in beta as well or whether these bugs were always present).