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Why isn't Dual-wield Dagger Fury a thing?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 8:18 pm
by MrCer
I'm prepared for any ridicule for asking such an "off-road" question but

how come? edgemasters + Mugger's belt early in the game. then get something like core hound tooth and felstriker or dualwield felstrikers.

Re: Why isn't Dual-wield Dagger Fury a thing?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 8:29 pm
by Andraxion
I can't read.

Re: Why isn't Dual-wield Dagger Fury a thing?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 8:30 pm
by Venenum
I wonder the same thing.
I know you would be losing out on WW damage from having a slow main hand, but the 2 fast weapons should yield more rage with unbridled wrath I would think, since there are more hits to proc it. Main attack used is Bloodthirst which doesn't matter what you have as a main hand. And once something is low enough, you tend to execute spam it, which doesn't depend on weapon damage, but the fast weapons should build rage faster, allowing you to execute spam more.
That's my thought process. I wonder how wrong it is too.

Re: Why isn't Dual-wield Dagger Fury a thing?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 8:31 pm
by Venenum
Andraxion wrote:Simply put, weapon specializations. There are none for daggers, only axes, polearms, swords, and maces.

Wait. Are fury warriors supposed to pick up weapon specializations? I thought that was too deep in Arms to be able to grab with bloodthirst?

Re: Why isn't Dual-wield Dagger Fury a thing?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 10:02 pm
by vido
By weapon specializations he means racials.

Daggers could be a thing with a mugger's belt if you perhaps stumble upon a CHT/DFB/Perd's without any decent alternative. There's a reason why hakkar set is nearly BiS for humans for single target raid encounters.

You mileage will be very limited horde side, due to WF scaling much better with slow weapons. Using 2 daggers could be quite reasonable alliance side though, and also for execute swaps in particular if you're a non orc/human and you dont have a hakkar set.

Re: Why isn't Dual-wield Dagger Fury a thing?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 10:03 pm
by Undertanker
It is a thing, just not common knowledge and is better for certain races.

If you are human - swords / maces + Edge Masters or Maledeth if you go swords.

Orc - Axe + Edge Masters (Castgatior and AQ quest axe)

Other classes that do not benefit from +weapon skill passives, Daggers is great since you can not utilize the +5 Human or Orc can.

You will want to go for the Corehound Gloves out of MC for +5 dagger and the Mugger's belt as you previously mentioned to get you to +10 Daggers. Eventually you get deathstinger from C'Thun and take off Muggers belt for Onslaught.

2 good starter weapons from MC would be Perditions MH and Corehound Tooth / Fang of the Faceless from ZG OH. Dragonfang is also a good MH or OH (if you can't get a Perditions).

While other sword spec rogues and warriors chase CTS Maledeth, you can get your daggers much quicker and only compete with the limited amount of hunters that are brought to raid compared to the former classes mentioned for the OH pieces.

Flurry up-time is increased, and a more steady rage generation, as opposed to spike rage from slower weapons that can be more difficult to manage and may prevent you from performing an overpower because you just got a good white hit crit and don't want to stance dance for rage loss.

As your gear increases from other slots and have world buffs, eventually you reach a point that you can always Heroic strike / Cleave a lot. Daggers fast speed = more heroic strikes / cleaves = more damage from the bonus damage it gives.

Re: Why isn't Dual-wield Dagger Fury a thing?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 10:06 pm
by vido
Undertanker wrote:Flurry up-time is increased, and a more steady rage generation, as opposed to spike rage from slower weapons that can be more difficult to manage and may prevent you from performing an overpower because you just got a good white hit crit and don't want to stance dance for rage loss.

As your gear increases from other slots and have world buffs, eventually you reach a point that you can always Heroic strike / Cleave a lot. Daggers fast speed = more heroic strikes / cleaves = more damage from the bonus damage it gives.

Flurry uptime will decrease with faster weapons. Cleaves will be very weak with a dagger so that's not really a benefit btw xD.

The rest of your post is some good info, I'll just note again that's it's not terribly applicable horde side.

Re: Why isn't Dual-wield Dagger Fury a thing?

PostPosted: Sat Mar 19, 2016 11:07 pm
by Undertanker
More white whites = more chances at a crit = more uptime on flurry.

Yes the cleave hits weaker, but you get more cleaves in a lesser amount of time.

HS and cleave add a base a mount to your white hit for it's damage calculation.

Heroic Strike (IX)


SWORD CTS (58.5 DPS) - Average damage 152.1

Heroic strike (IX) adds 157 to damage. My 2.6 sec weapon does 152.1 white damage (58.5 dps). I do 309.1 damage per heroic strike. I can do 23.07 Heroic strikes in 1 minute with the 2.6 second weapon.

23.07 heroic strikes = 7,130.93 damage. = 118.84 DPS from Heroic strike spam.

DAGGER Perdition's (58.3 DPS) - Average damage 104.94

Heroic strike (IX) adds 157 to damage. My 1.8 sec weapon does 104.94 white damage (58.3 dps). I do 261.94 damage per heroic strike. I can do 33.33 Heroic strikes in 1 minute with the 1.8 second weapon.

33.33 heroic strikes = 8,730.46 damage. = 145.50 DPS from Heroic strike spam.


You obtain a 22.42% damage increase from Heroic Strike (IX) using Perdition's 1.8 speed vs CTS 2.6 speed.

Re: Why isn't Dual-wield Dagger Fury a thing?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 1:56 am
by Overtime
Does Elemental Sharpening Stone still break crit? Regardless, daggers are nice for execute switch.

Re: Why isn't Dual-wield Dagger Fury a thing?

PostPosted: Sun Mar 20, 2016 2:46 am
by vido
I'm talking about cleave yet you give HS as a main example. Yes HS DPR goes up however cleave works the opposite way. BTW, feel free to have a look at my overhauled DPR formulas, the original sheet was blatantly incomplete in most regards (and it's still a work in progress on many fronts).

Sure you can land more in a given amount of time, however that's irrelevant since the RPS cleave spam requires is unobtainable for practically any 1h speed. (im talkin full world buff, naxx gear and rend buff which isn't game and even then it's not even close to sustainable apart from perhaps some raid mechanics)

It seems to be a common misconception that fast weapons give more flurry uptime. It's actually the opposite though. Think of your BT/WW/OP as flurry generators, with a fast weapon you will much more quickly use up these flurry procs that you're being fed which leads to lower flurry uptime.