I am a Tankadin trying to break into the pug raid scene while the rest of my guild dings 60 and works on preraid gear. I've been to MC and ZG as a Tank several times now, but sometimes on big giant pulls, you know, the ones many of you will defer to that hpally with a semiprot spec and tank gear, I go squish like a clothie.
The only innate survival advantage you have over us that is not skill department is Def Stance, which is simply a 10% increase in EH, but many still blame me for not being a War.
Here is my RealmPlayers link: http://realmplayers.com/CharacterViewer ... er=Geofram
Not the best, I know, but I am not crit capped. Mind you, I have MT'd Hakkar on tanked the raptor on Bloodlord, so I can handle bosses, but stuff like trash pulls before Spider Boss wipe me out. As professional meatshields, do you find yourselves popping cds to survive that kind of aggro, am I not geared enough, or is Def Stance really that big of a deal? I came here with this question as Raidtankadins are far and few between, and my instructor lives on the far side of the world.
Thank you in advance for any help!