by Spottedcow » Mon Mar 21, 2016 3:55 am
I can't seem to find calculations anywhere on the internet for the damage reduction formula for armor for a 63 (boss) mob being attacked by a 60 player. Since this affects actual TPS generated on bosses, you'd think it'd be an important thing for tanks to know. I'm trying to put together a spreadsheet to get actual raw threat, TPR and TPS calculations for my warrior, but I can't modify the threat from damage based on bosses because I have nothing to use as a working formula. Obviously, the threat from damage is going to be less significant than the flat threat modifiers on Revenge/SS. It's significant for HS, but you're using HS on CD anyway in rage cap situations like boss fights. In the grand scheme of things, it's not imperative, but if anyone knows where I can find those calculations, I'd like my spreadsheet to be as accurate as possible.