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Is Fury or Arms more viable for PvP, dungeons, and leveling?
Fri Mar 25, 2016 10:33 pm
by Gnomeansno
Hello! I am about to start a warrior and plan on tanking with it end game. I know that prot tanking is extremely slow and that fury/arms is more fun to level with. However, I want to be able to tank in dungeons and PvP while leveling. I just would like to know which one would be more viable for that. Thanks ahead of time (:
Re: Is Fury or Arms more viable for PvP, dungeons, and level
Fri Mar 25, 2016 11:23 pm
by milliondollar
I will try to explain this easy:
1. Arms; best pvp spec by far with current gear, best for leveling with survability and more aoe dmg on the mobs when you reach swedping strikes ( need to upgrade your 2H weapon yo)
2. Fury; propably one of the strongest build for singld target dps in whole content. Not too good for leveling need some gear to classic 17/34/0 to shine. Best option after lvl 60 and pre raid bis farm is done.
3. Prot; tank, tank and tank. Horrible to level instead of instances atleast 30+. But! Even if you want to play dps 55+ and raids i suggest you spec to basic 5 man prot spec. That will give you your gear faster (tanks are always in high demand) and every warrior who want's to dps in raids or even in 5-mans should have the knowledge how to tank.
Edit: noticed you wanted to be tank in the end; level arms you can easily to tank everything in arms before raids and even MC in arms swap prot around 55+ to farm your gear you will be wanted to every dungeon you are willing to go
Conclusion: Arms for leveling, prot for farming gear in 5 mans, fury to make those rogues mad about your raid dps
Re: Is Fury or Arms more viable for PvP, dungeons, and level
Sat Mar 26, 2016 7:14 am
by JeeTee
Chose one, don't worry about what ppl say.
Play what YOU like.
both have + and -
Re: Is Fury or Arms more viable for PvP, dungeons, and level
Sat Mar 26, 2016 9:53 am
by thenuclearwalrus
Arms is great if you tank dungeons while leveling, since you can reduce the cost of HS and tactical mastery is great.
Re: Is Fury or Arms more viable for PvP, dungeons, and level
Sat Mar 26, 2016 4:20 pm
by Undertanker
thenuclearwalrus wrote:Arms is great if you tank dungeons while leveling, since you can reduce the cost of HS and tactical mastery is great.
The main benefit to tanking in arms is Sweeping Strikes - WW at the start of a pull for aoe snap aggro.
Re: Is Fury or Arms more viable for PvP, dungeons, and level
Sun Mar 27, 2016 4:32 am
by Takaminara
I always level as fury, it has the best talents early on when it comes to sustainability and damage output.
Also leveling a fury is more forgiving if you get dodge/parry/miss streaks.
Tanking as fury while leveling is just as good as any other spec aswell, I still tank 5/10m as fury at lvl60.
For PvP in general arms is your best choice.
For overall leveling and dungeoneering you're better off as fury.
Only masochists level as protection, they do 0dps and every warrior with swoard and board is a tank, regardless of spec.
Re: Is Fury or Arms more viable for PvP, dungeons, and level
Mon Mar 28, 2016 5:56 pm
by Heldunder
yes i agree, 100% fury is the best for leveling and pve dps.
arms is pvp
prot shouldnt be considered until lvl 60