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Another wep thread. Confused human war here.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 11:56 am
by sownu
Hey, so iv farmed my pre-raid bis, and am getting access to raids. I understand end goal is having viskag/cts + maladath for maximum damage.

However i am confused about upgrades in between dal rends and BiS swords.

Guess ZG swords are nice, or razorgore tank mace + brutality blade or mc dagger offhand.

What about axes ? Is nef axe + trash one a big upgrade over dal rend for human for until i can get BiS weps ?

Or first weapons even, zg ones and one from bwl ? Worth it?

Re: Another wep thread. Confused human war here.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 12:18 pm
by sownu
Better question would be: How much more weapon DPS i should look for in upgrade, for it to offset loss of 5 weapon skill ?

Re: Another wep thread. Confused human war here.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 3:30 pm
by zmandude24
I'm exclusively a tank and don't know much about the exact increases on dps from the +5 swords, but I'd guess that the maces and axes from MC are about on par with the dal rends if not a slight downgrade. What I am sure about is that you will not get priority on swords above rogues in most cases since they are only viable with swords and you can use other weapon types.

Re: Another wep thread. Confused human war here.

PostPosted: Thu Mar 31, 2016 4:01 pm
by St0rfan
I would definitely use MC/BWL epics over blues even if you loose 5 weapon skill. If your guild prioritize swords to rogues first then crulshorukh is definitely a very good option that will last you until Naxx.