Warrior is my favorite class by far. As was stated above, you get rekt by CC and you are pretty vulnerable when you aren't the one that initiates the fight, and the class is extremely gear dependent to the point where I will usually end up spending money upgrading my gear as I level up, just to be able to kill things more efficiently and have the ability to defend myself in PvP. But with that being said, the warrior class definitely has a high potential to enjoy when you fully master it. This is my 5th time leveling a warrior, including my very first original character on vanilla retail, and I've really enjoyed myself so far, on this server especially. I've had some great PvP on my way up also; if you can master the warrior class and be aware enough to prevent the jump most of the time, and you initiate the fight yourself, you'd be surprised what you can do with a proper spec and a decent weapon.
Dr. Doom wrote:Only disagreement I could have is that other tank classes, I feel are viable.
Sure, Druids and Paladins can tank, but they can never be raid boss tanks for a target like Nefarion; they will always be limited to tanking trash or 5 mans because the gear in the game and the abilities they have prevent them from pushing crushing blows off of a raid bosses' attack table and achieving crit immunity against a raid boss target. (I think paladins may be able to get enough defense to become crit immune at the cost of hp, but I know for a fact that they can never push crushing blows off of an attack table. Even still the sacrifice in HP makes this completely nonviable)