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Replacement for savage gladiator chain

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 12:13 am
by alexao1111
As I've been told savage gladiator chain will inevitably be given a change of stats which then renders it useless for prot warriors. My question is what happens to the bis-threat set which currently consists of.

Nef neck
wrath shoulders
savage gladiator chain
wristguard of true flight
gauntlets of might
onslaught girdle
legplates of wrath
sabbatons of wrath
overlords crimson band
blackhand's breath
styleen's scarab
elementium reinforced bulwark
satyr's bow

(Pulled from Grave's list of optimal tanking sets) ... iew?pli=1#

*Edit: Also, what is a reasonable replacement for blackhand's given that I'm not going to be able to acquire it.

Re: Replacement for savage gladiator chain

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 8:35 am
by Ycbshadow
Rank 13 Chest

Re: Replacement for savage gladiator chain

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 8:58 am
by alexao1111
Wouldnt the huge loss in defence then be a major source of concern?

Re: Replacement for savage gladiator chain

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 10:28 am
by St0rfan
alexao1111 wrote:Wouldnt the huge loss in defence then be a major source of concern?

Probably. I suppose it depends on what you are tanking. You only need defcap for 3 bosses in current content.

Re: Replacement for savage gladiator chain

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 5:16 pm
by dumad
alexao1111 wrote:*Edit: Also, what is a reasonable replacement for blackhand's given that I'm not going to be able to acquire it.

Why not? Did you take the Mark of Tyrrany?

Re: Replacement for savage gladiator chain

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 5:24 pm
by Dr. Doom
St0rfan wrote:
alexao1111 wrote:Wouldnt the huge loss in defence then be a major source of concern?

Probably. I suppose it depends on what you are tanking. You only need defcap for 3 bosses in current content.

Which are they?

I take it Lashlayer is one.

Re: Replacement for savage gladiator chain

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 5:50 pm
by Grave
Patch 1.10 when they will change it, or should anyway. I'll use AQ40 replacements for the threat set. I haven't done the combinations yet.

Re: Replacement for savage gladiator chain

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 8:20 pm
by St0rfan
Dr. Doom wrote:
St0rfan wrote:
alexao1111 wrote:Wouldnt the huge loss in defence then be a major source of concern?

Probably. I suppose it depends on what you are tanking. You only need defcap for 3 bosses in current content.

Which are they?

I take it Lashlayer is one.

Broodlord, Chromaggus, Nefarian pretty much. Actually, I just run with 438def on these too (although broodlord did 1shot me for 10k last week).

Grave wrote:Patch 1.10 when they will change it, or should anyway. I'll use AQ40 replacements for the threat set. I haven't done the combinations yet.

t2.5 chest should be a nice substitute I guess? Alot of agi and TONS of str on it.

Re: Replacement for savage gladiator chain

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 8:31 pm
by Grave
A lot of factors will change the AQ40 threat set, including new accessories. eg. Mark of C'thun. I expect a full revamp of the set.

I took 20k extra damage last Broodlord with full T2 430 def gear (a non-Anticipation spec), with 2 near fatal moments. Generally any of our 3 beefed tanks will take ~30k total damage when solo tanking Brood. 20k is 66.6% extra damage taken. So I highly suggest playing it defensive for Brood/Chrom/Nef.

Re: Replacement for savage gladiator chain

PostPosted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 11:17 pm
by Undertanker
alexao1111 wrote:*Edit: Also, what is a reasonable replacement for blackhand's given that I'm not going to be able to acquire it.

Hand of Justice or Dark Moon Card: Maelstrom.

I like Maelstrom much more due to cleave / WW will do the nature damage on the mobs you are hitting and can give HUGE spikes when fighting multiple mobs compared to the cealing of HoJ in an AoE fight. And an extra swing on a 1.3 speed weapon isn't that much, but does give more rage.

I'd say all in all in 5 mans DMC: Maelstrom, raids HoJ. Though both are very even.