Warrior as first chracter

Warrior as first chracter

by mlisows » Fri Mar 20, 2015 11:53 pm

Are warrior a good/mediocre choice as my first character? I mean, will i even have gold for basic skills etc,
are mobs are really so difficult to kill as you say?
And are warriors are the only tanks in vanilla?
My main focus will be to play pvp. How he deals with mediocre gear vs other classes who also have mediocre gear?
Are they really so hard and tiring to play solo?
In wotlk i just went protection tree and killled 10 mobs at once

Re: Warrior as first chracter

by Seconds » Mon Mar 23, 2015 3:14 am

I mean, will i even have gold for basic skills etc

As any class, you should have enough as long as you don't waste money on anything other than food and repairs.

A lot of of your talents wont need to be upgraded past rank 1, whether because they don't gain much from the upgrade (intercept/shield bash) or because you wont use them much (rend, TC, shouts)

are mobs are really so difficult to kill as you say?

Depends on your gear, but it's rough. With an unlucky string of misses/parries/etc it possible to die to a mob of same level.

It get's better as you level up, I'd say first 30 levels are the toughest. Strongly recommend doing as many dungeons as possible to keep your gear up to date.

And are warriors are the only tanks in vanilla?

They are for raids, for 5 mans anything works if you have good group.

Druids lack gear and CDs to compete with warriors and pallies lack taunt and run out of mana too fast.

My main focus will be to play pvp. How he deals with mediocre gear vs other classes who also have mediocre gear?

Are they really so hard and tiring to play solo?

I would say yes, but I'm sure some will disagree.

Kill 1-3 mobs, eat, repeat.

In wotlk i just went protection tree and killled 10 mobs at once

You'll have problems killing 2 mobs at once.

Prot does very little damage and offers very little survivability.

There are some prot leveling specs that focus on stuns that some people claim to work well, but I haven't tried those.

Re: Warrior as first chracter

by Armilus » Mon Mar 23, 2015 3:34 pm

Make sure you level cooking and first aid as you go, it helps a LOT.

Otherwise, I agree with everything from the previous post.

Edit: While gear is important in general for warriors, weapons are even more important. Make sure you have good blue weapons for your level. If a good weapon drops in a dungeon, it's worth running that dungeon until you get it.
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Re: Warrior as first chracter

by Orkchop » Mon Mar 23, 2015 4:13 pm

Don't even bother. Charge doesn't even work properly on this piece of shit server. Blizzlike tho!

Re: Warrior as first chracter

by Nebulus » Mon Mar 23, 2015 11:41 pm

have fun gaining 0 extra rage from damage with a full row of dots ticking on you

Re: Warrior as first chracter

by Aten » Tue Mar 24, 2015 3:08 am

Listen to the first two people who posted in this thread. Warriors are fine and a lot of fun to play, you just need to know how to do it.

Re: Warrior as first chracter

by Asman » Wed Mar 25, 2015 6:55 am

It's I'd say the hardest class to level up. But if you'll do quests on your level(or lower) you shouldn't have problems, just pull one mob at the time. Also don't bother level up proffessions that you need buy stuff for(Even enchanting), you won't have gold for training+gear(sometimes you have to buy new weapon, especially on early levels, I got level 5 sword and on level 13+ it does really low damage). Focus on quests with weapons(If you play horde I can suggest Samophlange if you want to play prot and Harpy chain for 1h sword/2h Zhovur Axe). Level up first aid, keep your gear updated, pull one mob at the time and you'll have no problems.

Re: Warrior as first chracter

by alucard001 » Wed Mar 25, 2015 8:38 am

My main focus will be to play pvp. How he deals with mediocre gear vs other classes who also have mediocre gear?

I don't know what you understand for mediocre gear, but warrior is the most dependant class of gear. Anyway, there are blue pieces which gives crit strike, and are not bad at all.

Are they really so hard and tiring to play solo?

Depends of your gear. I had some difficults untill i reached lvl +25. (When you get whirlwind axe, execute and some abilities it gets pretty easy). It's pretty hard at the beginning.

Are warrior a good/mediocre choice as my first character? I mean, will i even have gold for basic skills etc,

I don't know what to answer here, play the class you like as the first.

Anyway, there are no many difficults since the server is overpopulated and you can quest with people on group at any time (i always do that)
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Re: Warrior as first chracter

by Riotgirl » Wed Aug 19, 2015 10:22 pm

I originally rolled NELF Druid a couple of days ago, as a completely new WOW player (former Classic EQ player). I deleted and switched to Warrior because I prefer a pure Tank and am a closet masochist.

I'm trying to find a good social / levelling Guild, and make some friends to group whilst levelling. Don't wish to solo to 60. Really looking forward to 5 Player Dungeons for the challenge and to work together with other players and obtain a deeper understanding for how other classes play. Will also need such Dungeons for gear.

My foibles also include only buying player crafted gear from AH (when I have Gold). All dropped gear I want to loot for myself in a group.

A Warrior on Nost is much more enjoyable than on P99. Same gear challenges. Thus, am doing Cooking and First Aid to address some of the rough spots I will face. Think I'll choose Skinning to sell to vendors. Like P99 no point doing Smithing because the sheer cost skilling up can be better put to buying crafted gear from players. This isn't Ryzom crafting that is actually interesting!

The bane will be lowbie twinks in PUGS. As a class that is most dependent on gear, PUGing with twinks just won't be viable.

Nost is an absolute blast at the moment, if one mentally filters out all the racial epitaphs in chat. Will improve a thousandfold once I can get a short-list of Euro guilds with a bunch of relaxed players, who wish to be social and group, but still strive to improve their play.

I suspect that I'm enjoying my lowbie honeymoon and pretty soon I'll experience the cold, hard slap in the face of reality as a lowbie non-twink Warrior ;)
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Re: Warrior as first chracter

by zmandude24 » Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:11 pm

You are pretty much a sitting duck against every other class except rogues if you are alone and in greens (against similar geared and level players). However, at 60 in a BG setting with some epic gear, you will be OP as hell if you protect the healers (against similar geared opponents and the same number of them).
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