Couldn't u just make it in same button range aka 21-40?:D why its all scattered around like 5 macros for 21-25 then some 30s 40s 50s 60s 70s. I tried it out but the way it floods my action bars made me get rid of it. I wanted to put all those macros on some 2 spare junk bars and just hide them so I only see single target and aoe tanking macro and have it as my "lazy day tanking addon"
but the way it is atm it require complete UI rebuilding ;p otherwise can't give much more input as I didn't get to use it in any serious tanking scenario. It would be kewl if you could drop detailed readme on how this macro combo works exactly. Like how it prioritize abilities, how it reacts to boss stances (aka will it pop shieldwall only based on % hp left or will it read that boss is hard enraged and pop it to be safe?)