Weapon skill from 300 to 323 and the implications therein
Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2017 5:50 pm
Elysium forums are currently down because of the angry gold sellers / Blizzard / whomever, so I will post this here - will repost on Elysium when it is up. Sneak preview: get up to +7.48% hit on Orc with weapon skill pumping. What?! Read below, thanks for coming! Couldn't sleep so here is a calculation of different sweet spots for weapon skills. And because I am currently at work (biostatistician, heh, prolly explains a bit of the below), only for Horde, sorry for the Alliance players - tho the orc column should be rather interchangeable for you, just modify the weapons and calc from there. Though there's no awesome Goldminer (nomen est omen) synergy for you ! The sources used were:
http://web.archive.org/web/200611152239 ... 1707&sid=1
http://web.archive.org/web/200712290134 ... pageNo=1#2
http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Attack_ta ... did=354949
especially glancing blow damage reduction mechanic:
http://web.archive.org/web/200611152239 ... 1707&sid=1
"Or alternatively strikes doing a reduced percentage damage of your normal hit damage. The calculation for this is...
Normal damage - ((Defense skill – Weapon skill - 5) * 3%)
So versus a 63 mob your strikes do 70% (85% versus 62) when they glance."
A big THANK YOU to the people who posted in the above threads (MrCer/Keftenk for starting, Undertanker for Mugger/Death's Sting -dagger point, Netherfrost for grand %&'s & mighty links, Vido, St0rfan, Hatson, Armilus, Moxey et cetera for contributing and all the people in ye olde wow forums back in 2006)!!! Comments and criticisms are welcome, as I am not wholly sure about the correctness of the equations (the time takes its toll), the different patch versions, or how they are implemented on the Elysium.
The different gear sets and the different weapon skills they contribute have been marked as E? (non-orc) / O? (orc) on the table below for ease of reading.
The contents of such sets can be found below the numerical table.
The priority of operations on the created hit table is the classic Miss, Dodge, Parry, Block, Glancing Blow, Crit, Hit (thx Netherfrost!)
I have put a crit chance of 10% to the table as a default. The actual crit% depends on the crit% of your character and can be found in the spellbook tab. If your crit is larger than 10% (and hopefully it is!! ) every increase in crit% takes away a corresponding % from the normal hits, as per "crit cap" calculation.
The thing to notice here is:
Every +weapon skill lessens your chance to miss. It is known. (thx GRRM)
In addition, every +weapon skill lessens the chance of the target to dodge / parry / block and increases the chance to crit. This is usually not taken into the account when factoring whether it is worthwhile to boost weapon skill. Every +weapon skill point lessens the chance of the target to dodge / parry / block by 0.04% and increases the crit chance by 0.04%.
Thus, every +weapon skill point contributes an additional 3 x 0.04% = 0.12% to you getting a hit (via it being a non-dodge/parry/block) on the target. This also means that the crit cap is raised the same amount, since the d/p/b-probabilities are converted to hit and thus can be converted to crits via the proper application of world buffs etc.
So to sum it up:
Beyond the normal "weapon skill reduces the chance to miss", every +weapon skill point gives directly +0.12% to hit the target, directly +0.04% to crit, and implicitly raises the crit cap by +0.12%. E.g. if you push your weapon skill to 315, you get -3,60% to miss chance, an additional +1,80% to hit the target (together they make +5,40% to hit, and the crit cap is raised the corresponding +5,40%), directly +0,60% to crit, and your DPS increases directly by 12,00%, because the glancing blows occurring 40% of the time do not any more reduce the damage dealt.
Now, I am a bit unsure about this, and it seems strange that there was not a consensus about this in the days of yore. It also seems strange that a whole lot of major raiders would not have known this. It is more probable that I am wrong. Or there is something that I am missing. Or perhaps the raiders were good enough anyway and bosses were downed, so nobody bothered to theorycraft weapon skill to the hilt, since profits were flooding in anyway. And the equations were hidden in 2005 & 2006. The most simple reason would be that in classic WoW, there is no implicit +hit chance in addition to the reduction in miss%, because the weapon skill does not contribute to the reduction of the dodge/parry/block percentage. But it would appear that it does. It is e.g. a beautiful explanation why the dodge chance of level 63 boss is 5.6% (5% normal + 3 level difference * 0.0004 * 5 increase in defense skill per level).
The bomb:
If you go orc and grab edgemaster's, goldminer's and 2 x zulian hacker, you can get 4.72% reduction to miss and 2.76% increase to non-dodge/parry/block -> total actual "+hit" = 7.48%. Please comment, this seems to be rather interesting. Data and other info below. Also consider buying stuff from AH before prices spike. Then equip +hit gear and blast every boss to bits. Yay!
I have used the following equations:
If weapon skill is 11 or lower than the defense skill (e.g. < 305 when fighting a boss)
Miss chance = 0.06+(Defense skill - Weapon skill -10) *0.004 + (Defense skill - Weapon skill) * 0.0004
If weapon skill is within 10 or less of the defense skill of the target (e.g. >= 305 when fighting a boss)
Miss chance = 0.05+(Defense skill - Weapon skill) *0.001 + (Defense skill - Weapon skill) * 0.0004
This means that when you upgrade your skill from 300 -> 305, there is a whopping +2.2% direct reduction to miss, in +0.44% increments per skill point.
After this, every skill point you get nets you only a +0.14% direct reduction to miss per skill point, e.g. when you go from 305 to 310, the chance to miss goes down only +0,7% on top of the +2,2% already gained.
Glancing blow damage reduction percentage:
1 - ((Defense skill – Weapon skill - 5) * 3%)
E.g. if you have weapon skill 300, the blow does only 70 % the damage, if 305, 85 % and so on. The profit from this thus caps at weapon skill 310.
Here it is - let us converse!
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... sp=sharing
best regards
Cononchet, Tauren Warrior
Elysium forums are currently down because of the angry gold sellers / Blizzard / whomever, so I will post this here - will repost on Elysium when it is up. Sneak preview: get up to +7.48% hit on Orc with weapon skill pumping. What?! Read below, thanks for coming! Couldn't sleep so here is a calculation of different sweet spots for weapon skills. And because I am currently at work (biostatistician, heh, prolly explains a bit of the below), only for Horde, sorry for the Alliance players - tho the orc column should be rather interchangeable for you, just modify the weapons and calc from there. Though there's no awesome Goldminer (nomen est omen) synergy for you ! The sources used were:
http://web.archive.org/web/200611152239 ... 1707&sid=1
http://web.archive.org/web/200712290134 ... pageNo=1#2
http://wowwiki.wikia.com/wiki/Attack_ta ... did=354949
especially glancing blow damage reduction mechanic:
http://web.archive.org/web/200611152239 ... 1707&sid=1
"Or alternatively strikes doing a reduced percentage damage of your normal hit damage. The calculation for this is...
Normal damage - ((Defense skill – Weapon skill - 5) * 3%)
So versus a 63 mob your strikes do 70% (85% versus 62) when they glance."
A big THANK YOU to the people who posted in the above threads (MrCer/Keftenk for starting, Undertanker for Mugger/Death's Sting -dagger point, Netherfrost for grand %&'s & mighty links, Vido, St0rfan, Hatson, Armilus, Moxey et cetera for contributing and all the people in ye olde wow forums back in 2006)!!! Comments and criticisms are welcome, as I am not wholly sure about the correctness of the equations (the time takes its toll), the different patch versions, or how they are implemented on the Elysium.
The different gear sets and the different weapon skills they contribute have been marked as E? (non-orc) / O? (orc) on the table below for ease of reading.
The contents of such sets can be found below the numerical table.
The priority of operations on the created hit table is the classic Miss, Dodge, Parry, Block, Glancing Blow, Crit, Hit (thx Netherfrost!)
I have put a crit chance of 10% to the table as a default. The actual crit% depends on the crit% of your character and can be found in the spellbook tab. If your crit is larger than 10% (and hopefully it is!! ) every increase in crit% takes away a corresponding % from the normal hits, as per "crit cap" calculation.
The thing to notice here is:
Every +weapon skill lessens your chance to miss. It is known. (thx GRRM)
In addition, every +weapon skill lessens the chance of the target to dodge / parry / block and increases the chance to crit. This is usually not taken into the account when factoring whether it is worthwhile to boost weapon skill. Every +weapon skill point lessens the chance of the target to dodge / parry / block by 0.04% and increases the crit chance by 0.04%.
Thus, every +weapon skill point contributes an additional 3 x 0.04% = 0.12% to you getting a hit (via it being a non-dodge/parry/block) on the target. This also means that the crit cap is raised the same amount, since the d/p/b-probabilities are converted to hit and thus can be converted to crits via the proper application of world buffs etc.
So to sum it up:
Beyond the normal "weapon skill reduces the chance to miss", every +weapon skill point gives directly +0.12% to hit the target, directly +0.04% to crit, and implicitly raises the crit cap by +0.12%. E.g. if you push your weapon skill to 315, you get -3,60% to miss chance, an additional +1,80% to hit the target (together they make +5,40% to hit, and the crit cap is raised the corresponding +5,40%), directly +0,60% to crit, and your DPS increases directly by 12,00%, because the glancing blows occurring 40% of the time do not any more reduce the damage dealt.
Now, I am a bit unsure about this, and it seems strange that there was not a consensus about this in the days of yore. It also seems strange that a whole lot of major raiders would not have known this. It is more probable that I am wrong. Or there is something that I am missing. Or perhaps the raiders were good enough anyway and bosses were downed, so nobody bothered to theorycraft weapon skill to the hilt, since profits were flooding in anyway. And the equations were hidden in 2005 & 2006. The most simple reason would be that in classic WoW, there is no implicit +hit chance in addition to the reduction in miss%, because the weapon skill does not contribute to the reduction of the dodge/parry/block percentage. But it would appear that it does. It is e.g. a beautiful explanation why the dodge chance of level 63 boss is 5.6% (5% normal + 3 level difference * 0.0004 * 5 increase in defense skill per level).
The bomb:
If you go orc and grab edgemaster's, goldminer's and 2 x zulian hacker, you can get 4.72% reduction to miss and 2.76% increase to non-dodge/parry/block -> total actual "+hit" = 7.48%. Please comment, this seems to be rather interesting. Data and other info below. Also consider buying stuff from AH before prices spike. Then equip +hit gear and blast every boss to bits. Yay!
I have used the following equations:
If weapon skill is 11 or lower than the defense skill (e.g. < 305 when fighting a boss)
Miss chance = 0.06+(Defense skill - Weapon skill -10) *0.004 + (Defense skill - Weapon skill) * 0.0004
If weapon skill is within 10 or less of the defense skill of the target (e.g. >= 305 when fighting a boss)
Miss chance = 0.05+(Defense skill - Weapon skill) *0.001 + (Defense skill - Weapon skill) * 0.0004
This means that when you upgrade your skill from 300 -> 305, there is a whopping +2.2% direct reduction to miss, in +0.44% increments per skill point.
After this, every skill point you get nets you only a +0.14% direct reduction to miss per skill point, e.g. when you go from 305 to 310, the chance to miss goes down only +0,7% on top of the +2,2% already gained.
Glancing blow damage reduction percentage:
1 - ((Defense skill – Weapon skill - 5) * 3%)
E.g. if you have weapon skill 300, the blow does only 70 % the damage, if 305, 85 % and so on. The profit from this thus caps at weapon skill 310.
Here it is - let us converse!
https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/ ... sp=sharing
best regards
Cononchet, Tauren Warrior