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Why so many warriors?

PostPosted: Thu Mar 26, 2015 10:40 pm
by Melikecookies
You may call this a troll post if you want,because i ask out of pure boredom.

Basically i'm wondering why are warriors the most populated class on both sides.
Can be for tanking,but half the warriors try to avoid it as if it is a plague of a sort.I've even seen warriors spamming " LF tank" for 5 man instances.

Is it because they are good in PvP?You can only do well if you are fed with gear,but so can any other class.Besides even then you depend on healers to do your job well.Why play a class that needs a babysitter to reach its full potential?

I also heard they are great dps class again-if fed with gear,but until that tier of content you still have to do mostly...tanking which returns me to my first point of avoiding tank duties.

Lastly if someone bothers to reply(many threads hanging)it would be really amusing to see some stuff of the like"Warrior is way of life" and so on.

So just curious.Cheers! as they say

Re: Why so many warriors?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 12:45 am
by Lemming
eh I tank if needed, but I will say running as deeps is a shit load of fun. as for why we have all the warriors? got me I rolled one here as on the last server I was on, the guild was short of tanks and I wanted a change form a mage.

Re: Why so many warriors?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 6:24 am
by rakei
I enjoy instances but most warriors are terrible at tanking, so I refuse the headache as another class.

Re: Why so many warriors?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 6:38 am
by sidesprang
Because warriors are really good in vanilla, two really good specs for PvE and one for PvP.

Re: Why so many warriors?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 9:53 am
by Nebulus
is rage generation still gimped

Re: Why so many warriors?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:27 am
by Koett
Nebulus wrote:is rage generation still gimped


Re: Why so many warriors?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:34 am
by Tekko
I find this strange as well.

Warriors are pretty painful to level and at end game, require good gear to be good dps'ers or pvp'ers.

Most of the Warriors I speak to when trying to form a group for 5 mans also avoid tanking...

Re: Why so many warriors?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 10:40 am
by Lecat

If you think rage generation is not working correctly, may I invite you to show examples of bugged behavior, and explain what the good behavior is? You can also link a topic in which it is explained.

Please understand that we need to be careful with bug reports. There are lots of wrong reports from players that are mistaken about a game mechanics. This is especially true about the vanilla version of a game mechanics, as they may look broken or bugged to players that are used to modern WoW expansions. As a consequence, the more seriously a bug report is documented, the sooner the bug will be fixed :)

Thank you for you help improving the server!

Re: Why so many warriors?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 11:35 am
by Szabinger
Tekko wrote:I find this strange as well.

Warriors are pretty painful to level and at end game, require good gear to be good dps'ers or pvp'ers.

Most of the Warriors I speak to when trying to form a group for 5 mans also avoid tanking...

It's funny, because after most of the instances people praise me for being a good tank. I swear i dont do anything just spam sunder armor from the little rage i usually have. I asked some of them, why would I be a good tank? And they tell stories about tanks not even knowing about threat and such things, and think that a tank is just a dps with shield. So it's funny that people still don't know these after so many years. Oh and I didn't mean to praise my tanking skills with this post, just explain that people usually avoid tanking probably because they suck, or they sucked and the group hated them for it.

Re: Why so many warriors?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 27, 2015 12:02 pm
by Iskatu
Many people choose warrior because it's such a versatile and volatile class to DPS with in PVE and in PVP due to its unique mechanics in contrast to other classes:
- The burst damage and cleave potential makes warriors not as monotonous as other classes
- Rage as a source to deal damage with is versatile because it scales with damage dealt from auto attacks and increases with damage taken
- The fact that warriors have more %damage modifiers than other classes, which multiply each other, makes it more volatile
- the posibilities to wield big and cool looking weapons / armor is obviously a factor too
- warriors scale best in general, which means you have a very high impact on your performance with the way you gear and buff yourself etc...

Just some reasons why I love playing warriors and have been doing so for 9 years :twisted: