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Prot Warrior Pre 1.4 Gear List*

PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 11:47 pm
by Raidboss

Re: Prot Warrior Pre 1.4 Gear List*

PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 11:52 pm
by Thyris
Shoulders should be Stockade Pauldrons

Re: Prot Warrior Pre 1.4 Gear List*

PostPosted: Thu Jan 29, 2015 11:57 pm
by Raidboss
Thyris wrote:Shoulders should be Stockade Pauldrons

I get a error if I try to go to them on the page, thats why I forgot them :D

Re: Prot Warrior Pre 1.4 Gear List*

PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 12:07 am
by Thyris
trust me I used them for my pre raid :-)

Re: Prot Warrior Pre 1.4 Gear List*

PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 1:36 am
by Drumy
sry for offtopic but how you find items with old stats ?
i really want to make me a list for my comming warlock

Re: Prot Warrior Pre 1.4 Gear List*

PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 10:29 am
by ThatsthePuzzle
Oh god damn it, I was half way through doing this exact list heh. I'll check it against my own findings :p

Head: Found the same

Neck: Medallion yes but not too farmable. Verek's Collar from Verek in BRD or even Lifeblood Amulet from Antu'sul in Zul'Farrak for a Stamina option

Shoulders: Here's a Stockade Pauldrons link. Stoneform Shoulders from Kirtinos in Scholomance are another defense option as Stockades aren't farmable and will be pricey

Chest: Ornate Adamantium Breastplate from the Fordring (who lives here) questline if Deathbone doesn't want to play nice as another option.

Wrists: Very few options but they look the best, anything with stamina.

Gloves: Stonegrip Gauntlets are BoE so not really very farmable, I came up with these options - Cragfists of the Bear from Ancient Stone Keeper in Uldaman or Reiver Claws from Overlord Wyrmthalak in LBRS.

Waist: Found the same. Drakkisath may be a bitch to farm though, so really anything with Stamina will do, Valor only has 8.

Legs: I found these 2 options: Warmaster Legguards from Rend in UBRS and Legguards of the Eternal Guardian from Chest of the Seven, BRD. No stats on those though just defense.

Boots: Boots of Valor are another stamina choice, repeatable by destroying the quest item or not even picking it up off Kirtinos

Cloak: Stoneskin Gargoyle Cape from Stonespine in Stratholme

Shield: Same as you. Will be hard as hell to farm Drakkisath with all this terrible gear unless UBRS is 15 man again, so I found Rock Golem Bulwark as an alternative from Panzor, BRD

Weapon: Scarlet Kris from a world drop. Alcor's Sunrazor also. Farmable options include Lifeforce Dirk from The God Hakkar in Sunken Temple and Mirah's Song from the quest outside Scholomance.

Trinkets: Agreed with you. Arena Master/Arena Grand Master were after 1.4.

Rings: Myrmidon's Signet BoE world drop is probably best in slot. Ring of Saviors another one, then probably your linked Band of Flesh from Ramstein in Stratholme, then maybe try and pick up Dragonscale Band or Ring of the Heavens cheap off the AH.

Ranged: Gorewood Bow Quest reward from Order Must Be Restored (A) or The Scarlet Oracle, Demetria (H)

Re: Prot Warrior Pre 1.4 Gear List*

PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 12:51 pm
by Raidboss
Weapon: Might of Hakkar from Avatar of Hakkar, Sunken Temple is pretty much the only farmable weapon I can find with any decent stats... Maybe Ironfoe for threat, but it's rare from Emp in BRD. Rubidium Hammer from Bael'Gar in BRD is another farmable option or Dark Iron Reaver from the Thorium Brotherhood crafting plans in BRD.

I wouldn't use that mace. You want to roll with a fast weapon ;)

Re: Prot Warrior Pre 1.4 Gear List*

PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 12:58 pm
by ThatsthePuzzle
Perhaps not, but relying on a BoE world drop isn't the best plan either.

I'll have another look around the weapons.

Lifeforce Dirk is pretty similar to Scarlet Kris but it's from a quest

Edit: Updated some faster weapon options

Re: Prot Warrior Pre 1.4 Gear List*

PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 1:39 pm
by Netherfrost
Inevitably, you want the fastest weapon for tanking, Ironfoe would render you with a lower TPS, not higher. Reasons for this is for instance rage generation and heroic strike uses per minute. Lifeforce Dirk, Scarlet Kris and Alcors Sunrazor are definately your best options.

Re: Prot Warrior Pre 1.4 Gear List*

PostPosted: Fri Jan 30, 2015 1:46 pm
by ThatsthePuzzle
It's been SO long since I've played I couldn't remember the logic behind if you wanted a fast or slow weapon, so thanks! Have updated.