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Arms Warrior - What do you think?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 7:30 am
by mike1097
Hey Guys,

I'd really like to play an arms warrior on nostalrius, but I still know that fury is the most played specc for dps warrior. What do you guys think of arms in PvE. Is it playable or useful?
In my experience the leveling is kind of hard, but on nostalrius i'll level up with 4 friends so it's not a problem.

Hope for release soon!

Have a great day!

Re: Arms Warrior - What do you think?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 7:54 am
by Keftenk
Anything works, even stuff like Enh. Shaman, Ele. Shaman, Moonkin, Feral, etc. Vanilla isn't really that difficult. You just have to put a lot more effort into the specs that generally don't rise to the top on auto-attack. Even then though, most likely Fury spec will generally top Arms.

I mean hell, look at how many teams cleared AQ20 this past session with T1 gear lol (one shotting bosses).

Re: Arms Warrior - What do you think?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 8:00 am
by kovenant
Keftenk wrote:Anything works, even stuff like Enh. Shaman, Ele. Shaman, Moonkin, Feral, etc. Vanilla isn't really that difficult. You just have to put a lot more effort into the specs that generally don't rise to the top on auto-attack. Even then though, most likely Fury spec will generally top Arms.

I mean hell, look at how many teams cleared AQ20 this past session with T1 gear lol (one shotting bosses).

i cant watch the video since its blocked.
but are you saying they oneshot bosses in aq20??

Re: Arms Warrior - What do you think?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 8:05 am
by Keftenk
Oh, the video is of an Arms warrior on Feenix. He's insanely buffed, but on the meter he ended up 3rd vs Instructor Razuvious. On Patchwerk he was 20th while the Fury warrior was 5th.

But yes, some groups one shot AQ20 this past session in under tuned gear for the instance if you read some of the other threads. Which isn't entirely eye opening since this was still a practice even in the early days of TBC. Vanilla and TBC were much less gear reliant compared to how WoW is today. Still important of course.

Point was that you can make anything work in vanilla, but it may not be the best option in terms of the end result. Vanilla is a lot more about team work and raid composition then "Who's the best DPS" type of mentality.

EDIT: It should be noted that this particular Arms Warrior is Horde where they have the luxury of WF Totem. Inflates the numbers and makes the spec able to achieve what it can do much, much, easier than if you were Arms on Alliance side.

Re: Arms Warrior - What do you think?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 10:44 am
by mike1097
Hmm the Windfury Totem is a real heavy point. I havent thought about that.
The fact that I wanted to play alliance first time on a vanilla server makes me tthinkI should play something else. But Warrior is the only meele Dps with 2h weapons if you don't want to play paladin aaaaand who wants to play paladin as retri for real? ;)

More Discussion maybe? :)

Re: Arms Warrior - What do you think?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 11:25 am
by Keftenk
I dunno, Retribution is fun in PvP and it has its uses in PvE /shrug
I just didn't like it that much in PvE since some raids decide that you're only going to be a Nightfall bitch, which I think should be the OT's job.

Re: Arms Warrior - What do you think?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 12:20 pm
by Netherfrost
As for the ideal raid setup and cookie cutting, it shouldnt allow any arms warrior spots.

Re: Arms Warrior - What do you think?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 1:44 pm
by Thrashing
The main downside of Arms DPS in raids is that Mortal Strike takes up a debuff slot that is better off being spent on something else.
Besides this fact, Arms relies heavily on having a single good weapon (Bonereaver's Edge from Ragnaros is, in my opinion, a must-have to even attempt proper Arms DPS). I have experience playing an Arms Warrior on Horde side with this weapon, and I have no issues keeping up with Fury DPS/Rogues. However, Arms is severely outperformed by Fury in the execute phase.

I can not reccomend playing Arms in a struggling/progressing guild, you would help your guild much more by playing Fury. However if you have the gear to support it, it's not that much of an issue when your guild is farming content anyway.

Re: Arms Warrior - What do you think?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 2:01 pm
by mike1097
Hmm that is making me kind of sad. I'd really like to play warrior because there is no real alternative option, but in this case i should think about my wishes.

For PvP it would be great huh?

Re: Arms Warrior - What do you think?

PostPosted: Mon Feb 02, 2015 2:30 pm
by Thrashing
Arms is by far the most useful Warrior PvP spec. Mortal Strike's healing reduction is too good to pass up for PvP and Warriors are one of the hardest hitting classes and effective at peeling.
However, a Warrior greatly relies on the backup his team provides. Having a Shaman/Paladin or Priest supporting a Warrior makes him twice as useful.

Do not let other people's opinions heavily influence your decisionmaking though. While it is true that an Arms Warrior does not really have a place in a top PvE guild, Arms is always a possibility if you have proven your worth and can continue to pull your own weight even when playing a lesser spec.
I personally believe that problems would only start if it becomes apperant that other people are far more effective than yourself and are carrying you on their backs. If you believe in your own potential and know how to realise that potential, playing Arms will be very probable at some point in the future.

I never roll any other class for a main than Warrior, and Arms is by far my favourite spec to play. And time and time again I find myself playing Arms with no complaints after a few months or weeks of settling in and proving myself. (Besides what I noted in my previous post; I do firmly believe that Arms has no place in a progressing guild.)