The choice for race can be disputed, but personally I've never really cared for racials. If you highly prefer one race's looks or animations, just roll with that.
Pyron wrote:So not tanking.
First fault! Not wanting to tank in raids can be excused. However, tanks will always be wanted in 5 (or 10) mans and during the leveling process (dungeons, group quests, etc.). Please do all of us, including yourself, a favour and don't be one of those stubborn Warriors that refuse to tank simply because you're not specced into Prot.
You can tank every single 5 or 10 man instance as Fury or Arms. I've succesfully offtanked Zul'Gurub, Molten Core and Blackwing Lair as Fury as well.
Having said that, some of the most basic things you'll find useful as a Warrior are certain addons.
ItemRack - an addon that lets you make item sets and quickly swap them with macros. Obviously extremely useful when swapping between DPS, PvP and Tanking sets.
SuperMacro - an addon that allows more simplified addons than the vanilla ones. Personally I use this mainly for weapon swapping macros, for both PvE and PvP.
Natur EnemyCastbar - an addon that displays your opponent's casts, much like Blizzard's default UI did in later expansions. A must for PvP.
Threat Meter - obviously one of the most important addons to have if you ever wish to PvE.
Edit: Added addon links.