Human Racial +5 Sword Skill Bugged?

Human Racial +5 Sword Skill Bugged?

by Rufusdaddy » Wed Jul 15, 2015 2:34 pm


I've heard on the server humans sword skill did not work properly. On retail being a human made it so your white damage would never be a glancing blow but I've heard some people say that the extra +5 does not work on the server and rogues white damage at 305 sword skill will still glancing blow. I searched the forums but there does not seem to be a topic about it. Does anyone know? In the skills tab in game it shows the extra +5 to sword and maces so I do not see why it wouldn't work.

Thank you.

Re: Human Racial +5 Sword Skill Bugged?

by nessåj » Thu Jul 16, 2015 5:03 am

Man weapon skill don't cancel glancing blow (GB)
You have 40 % of white hit who gonna be BG, GB is 70 % damage on a white hit instead of a 100 %, and BG can't crit.

By having 310 (not 305) in weapon skill it make you have 40 % GB as before but you GB won't do 70 % of normal damage, they will do a number near 100 % (admit 95%).

So having 10 in weapon skill is like winning 25 % damage on 40 % of your white hit.


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