31/20/0 Swords

31/20/0 Swords

by Mezze » Sun Aug 09, 2015 10:00 am

Would 31/20/0 skipping blade flurry/riposte and getting vigor be bad for PvE (occasional PvP)?

Something along the lines of this?

There is a seal fate sword build in the main rogue guide by Oto. which is somewhat similar but instead taking blade flurry, skipping vigor, putting less points into imp poisons, and putting points into imp eviscerate.

31/20/0 seal fate build on Oto's rogue guide:

Would like some reasons/advice why the first link would be a bad build compared to the seal fate swords one that is linked secondly. Is blade flurry that much better than vigor?

Re: 31/20/0 Swords

by Boonga1 » Sun Aug 09, 2015 6:31 pm

Quite bad you miss out on the +5 weapon skill as well as sword specialization (if you claim you want to do a sword spec) also I assume you would use sinister strike to build combo points, but don't have increased damage from sinister strike. If you want to drink thistle tea on cool Down in raids vigor doesn't do much imo, since your usually only at full energy at the beginning of fights,

Re: 31/20/0 Swords

by Mezze » Sun Aug 09, 2015 10:35 pm

Yeah that's true, I should probably put 31 into combat rather than assassination for the 100% energy increase/+6swords/+6% ss/eviscerate damage.

Re: 31/20/0 Swords

by AgentMulder » Tue Aug 11, 2015 12:14 pm

Seal Fate has 0 synergy with Sinister Strike...since you have exactly 0 talents that boost your chance to crit with that spell outside of Malice. Seal Fate has much better synergy with daggers because for 3 talent points you can boost its crit chance by 30%.

If you're a min/max kind of player, or if your guild wants you to be...note that a Seal Fate build requires really good gear to be competitive with Combat and for entry level raiding will be subpar.

Re: 31/20/0 Swords

by Dejekt » Sun Aug 23, 2015 1:10 am

As others have said, quite bad for pve. You give up 6% SS dmg, blade flurry, +6 weapon skill and adrenaline rush just to get seal fate which nowhere near compares to that. Vigor also does not increase your dps, it is only useful in pvp, where you want 120 energy with vigor + nightslayer to ambush backstab. 110 Energy is useful for hemo too, but you have to get it from nightslayer since you can't get vigor + hemo.

On top of that you are losing out on sword spec which is amazing and much much higher dps than what you gain by going deeper assassination. 19/32 combat is also just more competitive in pvp if you want to play a sword based build.
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Re: 31/20/0 Swords

by sojs » Sun Aug 23, 2015 11:51 am

additional energy is uselss for pve
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