

by bigaxe » Sat Aug 29, 2015 8:08 pm

So im leveling my first rogue and the amount of time my attacks get dodged,parry'd or miss seems so high. It feels terribly clunky and unfun and its making me want to drop the class. Is it like this all the way to 60? Or will getting my stats higher eventually lower the amounts of time this happens?

Re: dodge,parry,miss,dodge,parry

by Cortana » Sat Aug 29, 2015 10:33 pm

bigaxe wrote:So im leveling my first rogue and the amount of time my attacks get dodged,parry'd or miss seems so high. It feels terribly clunky and unfun and its making me want to drop the class. Is it like this all the way to 60? Or will getting my stats higher eventually lower the amounts of time this happens?

Drop the class , there are already too many rogues on this server
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Re: dodge,parry,miss,dodge,parry

by justclassic » Sun Aug 30, 2015 11:29 am

bigaxe wrote:So im leveling my first rogue and the amount of time my attacks get dodged,parry'd or miss seems so high. It feels terribly clunky and unfun and its making me want to drop the class. Is it like this all the way to 60? Or will getting my stats higher eventually lower the amounts of time this happens?

Dodge is around 5% and won't really change and can't be reduced effectively.

Parry is around 5% and can be avoided by standing behind the mob.

Miss is around 24%(dual wielding) and can be reduced by getting items with hit rating.

So it won't really change while leveling but all meeles have these problems. You might want to try a caster or a hunter.
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: dodge,parry,miss,dodge,parry

by Acousticferret » Mon Aug 31, 2015 4:15 am

Don't drop the class it gets better and rogues are fun. There's a ton yes but most are bad anyway so it doesn't matter
Senior Sergeant
Senior Sergeant

Re: dodge,parry,miss,dodge,parry

by The Shortest Path » Tue Sep 01, 2015 5:47 am

You definitely should drop it. Melee is awful in pvp on this server because of how the server lag works, and you will never get accepted into groups at 60 because there are already a dozen other rogues trying to get into all the same dungeons as you.

Play literally anything else and you will have a better time.
The Shortest Path
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