Heres a copy of the original post:
I have seen a lot of people saying Rogue is hard to level. Today I even saw someone mention Rogues are harder to level than Warriors (
). They are all wrong. Rogues are very easy (and fast!) to level. Here is how to do it.
1) Pick the appropriate specs. Subtlety is bogus. Assassination lacks in higher end talents but has the best damage in lower end talents. Combat lacks offensive talents in lower end but has the best steady damage output in higher end talents (= good for grinding). In every spec obviously you put the first 2 points in imp SS.
The solution?
If you do not mind respeccing once, spec Assassination early and respec when you can get Adrenaline Rush and Remorseless Attacks (level 42).
Start off with
Why? 5% crit, 15% better Eviscerate, Relentless Strikes, Vile Poisons and Improved Poisons. Poisons are one of the best ways a Rogue has to increase his damage output since they ignore armour. Remorseless Attacks is totally a levelling talent. It adds a 20 second timer for reaching your next mob. This psychological pressure will increase your levelling speed enormously.
At 42 respec to this
Remorseless attacks is something you should not level without. It's not just about the crit, it's the psychological pressure it puts on you to reach the next mob that makes this talent so good. Rest of it is pretty self explanatory, you should not fill Sword Spec ASAP because there is a very real chance you will have a weapon that is not a sword. Once you get Trash Blade though you should have it maxed. Try to find a fast offhand sword too.
Work towards:
If you don't want to respec, go Combat all the way. Start off like this: and work towards above spec. ALWAYS GET RIPOSTE BEFORE YOU GET PRECISION. For real, that shit hits as hard as a Sinister strike, for 10 Energy. Not to mention you only get Poisons after level 20, which is when your white hits suddenly become more important (to proc poisons). The added hit is not so good before that, compared to Riposte.
2) Weapons. Pick up any slow, hard hitter for your main and once you get poisons a fast offhand (before that offhand speed does not matter). Once you get Sword Spec try to keep swords, but never skip a good upgrade because it is not a sword. Get Trash Blade from Maraudon, it can last you to level 60 if you are not doing dungeons. Get Hanzo Sword off the AH if you can afford it, it is the best offhand available for some time after 50. Don't use daggers in your main hand, ever.
3) Poisons. Double Instant Poison. Fuck Deadly Poison, mobs are not alive long enough. If mobs are running away from you or they are tough and you need to be able to run from them or kite them, Instant + Crippling. ALWAYS use poisons. ALWAYS. They increase your damage so much. Not using poisons is damn fucking stupid.
4) Skills. Don't stealth unless you need to Sap or avoid mobs. Stealth slows you, you want to be fast. Run to a mob, Sinister Strike until mob is low enough to die from Eviscerate, or you have 5 cp, then Eviscerate. If mobs are really clustered, SS to 5 CP, then Slice n Dice. Don't use anything other than those. Level First Aid. If you want to be super fast, skip Lockpicking (after poisons Q) and any main professions. If you want to be efficient, you may as well grab main professions, Fishing and Cooking (cooking fish/food is extremely helpful while levelling) and do Lockingpicking all the same, you can find poisons and other reagents from them.
5) Cooldowns. You have good cooldowns. Use them. Use Adrenaline Rush every time it is up. Use Blade Flurry every time it is up, preferably to kill 2 mobs at a time. Use Evasion to save HP so less time bandaging/eating. Use Sprint to travel between mobs.
6) Dungeons, questing or grinding? Questing and grinding are faster than dungeons, but definitely hit up SM and Maraudon for the weapon rewards those quests give. Grinding can be faster than questing but also more boring and mind numbing. Personally I always used a combination of questing and grinding. With current server pop (every mob camped) running Dungeons might be faster if you can find groups.
7) PvP. PvP slows you down so stay away from it. Unless that Gnome or Cow is taking YOUR mobs. Then you kill it, and keep killing it until it logs out if it dares to resurrect. Nobody takes your mobs. You are the best PvP class, especially while levelling, abuse it. The only class you need to fear is the Frost Mage, wait until they pull a bunch of mobs to AoE before engaging (and if they are dumb enough to not level in Frost, kill them like any other class).
8) Disable your mind. Maximum nerdmode. Put up VLC with Stay on Top in a corner of your screen, or move your TV and play some fucking Lord of the Rings. Rogue rotation levelling is simple enough that you don't have to actively think, just move, press SS 5 times, press Eviscerate, loot, next mob. EZ.
My record as a Rogue, 1x? It is fast but you can do it a lot faster. Now go out and level your Rogues to 60, and let me not see any more crying on how bad Rogues are to level in /1.