Mace PvP

Re: Mace PvP

by Dejekt » Sun Aug 23, 2015 12:59 am

My advice if you want to do a mace spec with prep would be:

1) If you use a non-dagger mainhand, ghostly strike is mandatory if you are at least 11 in sub. It is that good.
2) drop initiative to get ghostly strike and 2 points in imp sap, which means you only have to pull 1 point (prob from your assassination tree) to finish it.
3) I personally prefer the extra crit from malice over imp eviscerate. If you had cold blood and had to pick between the 2, i could see going evisc since you can assure it crits anyway, but without that I feel like just more crit chance for every ability you have is better.

Another thing to keep in mind is that hemorrhage is one of the only non-normalized attacks in vanilla, so the speed of your weapon plays a huge factor. If your wep isn't at least 2.6 or slower, you are going to be far better off with going sinister strike. Hemo really shines with the R14 weps if you ever get that far.
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Re: Mace PvP

by xwraith » Fri Aug 28, 2015 7:32 pm

I had a similar idea, heres the spec I came up with.

I went the sinister strike route. Picked up improved damage on ss and evis talent, but hemo would be good too, especially if you use rupture a lot the 30% buff helps a lot.

You can also get imp kick if you want, just take a couple points from dodge, I dont like it personally but lots do. Same if youre under pvp hit cap put those points into hit first, but its very easy to go over pvp cap anyways so you shouldnt need too unless you have almost no gear.

Definitely get ghostly strike, its a great talent and seriously underrated. I love stacking it with evasion, and with extra parry and dodge in combat you can get your avoidance ridiculously high. And with setup talent youd be surprised how fast you can rack up cps vs melee classes.

Last i didnt take sleight of hand or too many points in camoflauge, sleight of hand isnt very good at all, and camo is more of a filler talent than being really essential.

Anyways hope you like it.
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Re: Mace PvP

by Ohhgee » Mon Aug 31, 2015 8:48 am

@OP of you go that deep into combat you're gonna have a bad time PvPing. If you want to use maces just play 21/3/27 or something similar, you can use anything besides daggers for that
Level 60 Human Mage
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Re: Mace PvP

by AMzo » Fri Sep 04, 2015 4:26 pm

I don't just want to equip maces and go usual Hemo, I want to have the macestun. This also comes with somes goodies like improved sprint and improved kick plus all the hit from talents you need for PvP.

I think sub is better due reduced CDs and combat tricks. Assa only gives you Malice and CB.

I think I'm going to try

I'm lvl 54 at the moment so I'll know soon!
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Re: Mace PvP

by rekc » Fri Sep 11, 2015 3:16 pm

I just picked up Ironfoe last night and I'm excited to try out a Mace spec. I ended up going 18/32/0 which I'm hoping will work for raiding and also be decent enough in PvP.

Here's the spec I went:

What do you guys think? The fact that you get weapon expertise means that you can put those talents into another area. I went ahead and got imp kick as well as imp sprint and evasion which I feel is going to be great for PvP.

Do you think this build will work fine for PvE as well as PvP?


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