Setup wrote:You pretty much eat everything but mages and warriors.
Don't really see myself struggling against either. 2 shot or use FAP against the first and bleed kite the latter. Druids can be annoying especially outdoors and a hunter that knows what he's doing can prove to be challenging to damn near untouchable as FAP does not work against freezing trap, freeze reflector would be your most reliable counter to that. Warlocks can be tricky especially with a soullinked felhunter it can be tricky to avoid detection and hard to deal enough damage to kill them. Succubus is an added CC annoyance factor especially if invisible, best bet is probably to CC the lock, hope the succubus isn't on passive, kill the succu and then deal with the warlock.
But your main power as a rogue is still being able to pick fights at your leisure if that hunter is sitting on his trap under flare 24/7 you don't have to fight him, just move on.