Ohhgee wrote:Daggers is better for 1v1ing Mages but Hemo is better for literally everything else.
As Daggers, you will struggle to kill geared players without using Thistle Tea or Renataki's (ZG trink). You also are forced into a play style where you have to kill people in your opener, and if you fail then your choices are to run away/reset the fight or die. It's also basically impossible to fit 5/5 Master of Deception in a Dagger build, and stealth is total shit without that talent. Lastly, you will spend a lot of time starving for energy as Daggers. Hemo costs HALF as much energy as backstab.
Hemo is better 1v1 EVERY class except Deep Frost Mages. Hemo is far better for 1vX and world PvP as well. You are able to use Blind, Gouge and Kick way more frequently and still have enough Energy pooled to do damage if you're playing right. You also build combo points on new targets basically TWICE as fast as Dagger spec
Daggers is good for fighting Frost Mages and killing under geared players, or gaking someone in Cheap Shot duration then Vanishing
Hemo is overall better PvP spec by miles. Play Hemo or you're retarded.
I agree with you, but MoD 5/5 fits just fine with a 31/8/12 or a 21/8/22 Build, which are the classic PvP Daggers Build.