by Slicy » Mon Jan 08, 2018 6:29 pm
Hi there,
Thanks for adding all those new features and keeping the sheet updated.
On the topic of stones, I'm curious about what you used to simulate Dense Sharpening Stones dmg addition to Sinister Strike hits and crits ?
The overall dps results seemed a bit off to me compared to the results I ended up having with less gear than what I put into the sheet and on a non patchwerk boss fight ; as well as by just comparing IP and DSP in the sheet with similar gear, armor values, buffs, etc. So I looked into it.
Perhaps this would be explained by the cell B9 and B10 about SS hits and crits damage. Both of which are completely unchanged upon going from IP to DSP, unlike B3 and B4 for MH and OH white damage calcs which take into account the +8 weapon damage increase.
B10 being based off B9, the issue lies within B9 formula, I think. And this is where we apply Aggression modifier in B9 and then Lethality for B10.
With +8 weap dmg, SS hits and crits should be quite different than with IP as weapon buff, but they currently aren't, at all.
On a less nerdy note and for the sake of completeness, I believe Mark of The Champion could be added as a trinket option. With a straight up +150 AP as effect and nothing else (the user being smart enough to understand the Undead/Demons situation).
Grand Marshal Scarab Lord Slicy "Baguette"