Unsouled wrote:On a related note, has normalization been confirmed on this server? I thought it was, but I'm a level 58 rogue with a Barman Shanker (i.e. I don't have the final rank of Backstab), and I've only got like 500 AP, yet my BS has been critting for >1000 on a number of occasions.
Rank 7 Backstab with a Barman Shanker and 500 Attack Power, with 5/5 Opportunity & 5/5 Lethality and normalized AP contribution :
120% x ((((500/14) x 1.7 + DMG) x 150%) + 165) = 453 (1042 crit) - 532 (1224 crit) damage.
You have to take into account armor on top of that, but BS above 1k make sense, especially with +dmg enchant / stones and expose armor on your target.
And btw, even before normalization, Barman wasn't better than Perdition's, unless you had like 2k AP or more (to lazy to do the maths to figure out exactly how much).
Average damage of Barman & Perdition's pre-normalization :
Barman :500 :511 (1177 crit)
800 AP :589 (1354 crit)
1000 AP :641 (1473 crit)
Perdition's :500 :557 (1280 crit)
800 AP :626 (1440 crit)
1000 AP :672 (1547 crit)