by Drain » Fri Dec 25, 2015 10:12 pm
The first build is about as good as you can get. I would take the Imp Evis over Ruthlessness though, since you cannot use Rupture or Expose. Basically, you will only use Slice or Evis, back and forth between the Slice buffs, so I'd value a guaranteed 15% on that over just getting an extra point every finisher. Eviscerate can also critical, putting the talent to even more use. Ruthlessness is only 60% to occur, and if you crit Evicerate using it, there's no additional benefit. With Ruthlessness, you're choosing a slightly faster Eviscerate over one that will do more damage. With 40e strikes and Adrenaline Rush, you shouldn't be at shortage for points anyway. If you were free to use Rupture, or Ruthlessness was 100%, I'd probably feel differently, but as it is, I'd take the Eviscerate. Also when you leave the raid and go solo or PvP, you Evis every fight. Ruthlessness isn't worth shit to you outside the raid.
Imp Gouge I doubt I'd ever slot with any build. Dodge is useful. Gouge is a desperate tool in PvP at best. +1.5s for 3 points is just terrible. They should have made it cost less per point; then you'd get more use out of it as an additional interrupt. If you wanted a longer lasting CC, you'd probably have just used Blind to begin with.