Really bad on a rogue

Really bad on a rogue

by Krinkov » Thu Nov 05, 2015 3:53 am

I am an orc rogue in my mid 30s

The only class i can kill are warlocks....and other rogues and maybe warriors. everything else literally just destroys me
Priest? It is told that rogues are good against clothies...I sometimes cant even break their shield!

Paladins are just so tanky, i just cant outlive them basically. Hunters are kinda 50-50, but i just get trapped and once concussion shot is there/serpent sting its usually over

Using this as MH and offhand is here

Idk i am starting to give up on rogues...i thought i would 1shot evis people like those back to vanilla videos but i am starting to believe all of it is fluff...rogues are like the worst class in the game for me..getting ready to reroll

Re: Really bad on a rogue

by Daggerknife » Thu Nov 05, 2015 6:08 am

Don't worry, once you get kingsfall those priest will drop like flies!
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Re: Really bad on a rogue

by bdan » Thu Nov 05, 2015 5:40 pm

"rogue in my mid 30s"

Wait til 60. Classes vary in strength and they level. You cant assume that rogue will always beat priests at every level just cause they do at 60. You might be one level away from the next rank of your main move while they just got the next rank of their bubble. Your gear is also going to be nowhere near as itemized as it will be later.

Re: Really bad on a rogue

by Aslan » Thu Nov 05, 2015 10:06 pm

If only the other 95% of the rogues would be so modest :).

Jokes aside, there are only few detailed things you cant find out with a fast research. Go and learn about specs, keybinds, tipps and tricks, items and so on and Im sure you will do better than most others very soon simply because most people dont bother to do the above mentionned.

You want to PvP? Utilise your fantasy and get to know the other classes to counter them.
You want to PvE? Learn what to do in theory and perfect it in practise, aquire knowledge and execute it accurately.
For either of them, talk to experienced people you meet!
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Re: Really bad on a rogue

by Ohhgee » Fri Nov 06, 2015 3:53 am

if you're leveling then you're probably combat which is pure cancer for PvP. I'd rather masturbate with sand paper than play combat swords PvP.

Anyway, even as PvP spec, lots of classes can be tricky to beat if THEY play correctly. Rogues are the only class (besides Spriest I guess) that is *capable* of beating any other class 1v1. However... Hunters, Paladins, Priests, Shamans, and Mages are all very capable of outplaying a Rogue. To beat good players on these classes you'll need to use your cooldowns wisely. Mages and Hunters especially can pretty easily live through your CDs and then kill you. You have to outplay them to win.

Warriors and Locks are only challenging if they vastly outgear you (or if they're Orc). Rogue v Rogue fights are basically decided by who gets the Cheap Shot. Nothing you can do except spam blind and hope that your opponent fucks up his stunlock.

If you have decent gear (really don't need more than 5pc T1 and 2x Dal'Rends if you play right) and you properly tryhard with Engineering and Tea then you should be able to win any 1v1.

All that being said, Vanilla Rogue is not nearly as easy to play (WELL) as people make it out to be. Good players of every class will totally clown you if you don't know how to use your CDs properly and stay 1 step ahead of your opponent mentally.
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Re: Really bad on a rogue

by NikeTheSword » Mon Nov 09, 2015 11:11 pm

Ohhgee wrote:I'd rather masturbate with sand paper than play combat swords PvP.

THIS. And everything else he said.
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Re: Really bad on a rogue

by Aslan » Tue Nov 10, 2015 1:21 am

Depends on how fast you want to lvl :D. As soon as you get Adrenaline Rush, combat isnt even too bad compared to something like hemo. You lose a lot of control in wpvp but you gain burst... Maybe its just me but green geared hemo rogues without big AP and crit are just even more horrible than combat pvp
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Re: Really bad on a rogue

by Ohhgee » Tue Nov 10, 2015 8:01 am

Aslan wrote:Depends on how fast you want to lvl :D. As soon as you get Adrenaline Rush, combat isnt even too bad compared to something like hemo. You lose a lot of control in wpvp but you gain burst... Maybe its just me but green geared hemo rogues without big AP and crit are just even more horrible than combat pvp

The problem with combat is that your stealth is terrible. The cooldown on stealth itself is too long, your movement speed while stealthed is too slow, and you can be seen from miles away by enemy players. Any Hunter, or Lock with Felhunter, or anyone with stealth detect gear pieces, or Human racial, or even Nelf racial really will totally clown you 100% of the time if you're combat.

Also, Improved Sap and Prep are 2 of the most crucial talents for PvP and you can't get either of those as combat.

In addition, Sinister Strike is simply not a good ability for PvP. It lacks the raw damage of Backstab, but also lacks the energy/combo point efficiency of Hemo. It simply isn't very good.

There are basically no good PvP talents in the combat tree other than Imp Gouge, Imp Sprint, and Imp Kick.

TLDR combat PvP is AIDS unless you're playing a Naxx geared Rogue and just want to mow people down.
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Re: Really bad on a rogue

by Sephirothpvp » Tue Nov 10, 2015 8:45 am

TBH the only class I've had troubles against leveling as combat swords have been frost mages (and still have an above 50% win rate) everything else just drops in seconds.

Edit: Rogues with prep are also quite tough, they essentially have twice as many cooldowns as you..

But yeah, not having Master of Deception has been a pain... not only in pvp but questing in general.
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Re: Really bad on a rogue

by jsb » Thu Nov 12, 2015 8:55 am

Sephirothpvp wrote:But yeah, not having Master of Deception has been a pain... not only in pvp but questing in general.

Even more so with the bug where you break out of Stealth as soon as you draw aggro from an NPC.
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