For leveling, main hand dagger is the way to go. Since you will not see crit gear til mara ring.
Lvl 20: ... 02n302c4zf Lvl 30: ... 02305m015p Lvl 40: ... 2m3502c13j Lvl 50: ... m35020013j Lvl 60 ... 502001303hThis finishes with best farming spec and least gear dependent by a large amount.(reck face in low lvl world pvp too) Imp sap is added to allow this to be great for 5 mans while you gear. I personally take imp sap much earlier as it helps a lot in questing, but my guide has more damage earlier because for people, damage is more appealing. Once you are done gearing 5 mans, swap to your cookie cutter combat raid build.
On Vanilla retail I leveled combat because I thought I wouldn't be able to backstab at all like Bishop said. Man was I wrong. Just leveled my rogue on another server to get my leveling/questing path down, learned the value of energy watch add-on.
Open ambush, slice n dice right after. Then use ghostly strike, in this order, they will expire at the same time, gouge, - bandage if needed, back stab. Wait till right before your energy tick when you have 35+ energy and Kidney shot, backstab. It should be dead. If not slice n dice again, wait til 55 energy, gouge, right before it wares off, back stab evisicrate.
There are a few mobs that have very low armor in Vanilla and they share the same camps. (I'm not saying were to avoid my farm areas from flooding) With this spec you can 2 shot them with ambush, kidney then back stab. Keep relentless going so you have over a 97% plus crit chance with ambush, regardless of gear.
Tip, casters while casting a spell, if you circle around them while they cast you can get a backstab off. Course make sure you will have energy for kick or.\ kidney shot after.
To make this spec best you need CC watch and energy watch add-on. Timing is everything with your energy ticks. You will learn how much energy is needed to save before you can gouge and watch your energy ticks.
Same with your opener, I ambush at 100 energy right before the next tick, so but as soon as i hit it, I got 20 back, so I open with left. Wait one more energy tick and gouge, (before you have ghostly) backstab right before cc ends, kidney shot with 45 or more energy right before next tick. This will allow enough time to get back stab before kidney runs out. This takes patients because you are not attacking all the time and ALWAYS energy watching, but is fun, effective and your cool downs are available every 3rd fight.
DPS tip, carry some sharpening stones from a blacksmith. The + Damage on a damager is huge as your abilities are doing 250% - 325% weapon damage.