I have 0 will to do the exact math on this, but yours about the rapidity seems to lack a few thoughts. Imagine a fight lasting for 30 seconds (totally doable with a geared guild currently in MC).
Lets go with viskag, 2 sec speep with snd, you get 15 mh, x oh and y yellow hits.
Now assume the fight lasted 29.7 seconds, just under 30. You would get one less hit with voracity but the same with rapidities. So in this case rapidity provides 1 mh white attack in comparison to all other attacks with -16 agility due to lost voracity.
Now if anyone wants to do math on this, how likely a fight is to end with rapidity granting 1 hit more go ahead, but just trying to illustrate how rapidity does NOT only give a benefit after a certain amount of time!
The extreme exemple: fight lasts 1.98 seconds, no rapidity = you can get 1 hit in, 2 rapidities = you can fit 2 attacks in..
Thanks to Knife at this point .