TaurenRogue wrote:<snip>
We've been over this, Knife-o . Rapidity only starts catching up on voracity when you accumulate a lot of gear, which is around AQ, but by then you have ZG enchants anyway.
Rapidity is the poor man's voracity. I would not begrudge anyone, who uses it over voracity, given current prices of the latter. But claiming people, who already have voracity, should reenchant, is ludicrous even discounting the enormous waste of money and effort .
As a whole, your hypothesis is lacking in the area of real simulation. Even if you did perform a full-fight simulation and a probabilistic analysis in order to aggregate the amount of hypothetical fight [intervals] that would result in an extra hit due to rapidity, this analysis will not account for specific boss mechanics and player deficiencies that reduce uptime on the boss and break down the theoretical intervals.