Wolfrig wrote:What would you guys recommend as the best race for a rogue that plans on being dagger in PvE
Wolfrig wrote:and ofc doing alot of PvP.
PvP or PvE, choose mate
In PvE, the best DPS output for a Dagger Rogue is probably Troll (Berzerker + Windfury) on Horde side. On Alliance side, they're pretty much all the same, apart from the *slightly* different base stats.
In PvP, well the spec doesn't really matter.
The Orc stun resist is kinda insane against other Rogues, just like Perception is against Rogues / Druids. My opinion is Gnomes' racial remains the best PvP racial, since frost Mages are supposed to be the class against which we struggle the more. WoTF is really nice too, it's a matter of taste I guess, and the Dwarf Stoneform is convenient too, although a bit too situational in my opinion.
My personnal taste would be the following :
Gnome / Undead > Orc > Human > Dwarf > Night Elf > Troll